The sick around here has reached epic proportions. 2 kids have puked repeatedly (including the one who can’t get to the toilet reliably). 1 kid has strep for the second time in 19 days. The healthiest kid is the one that had impetigo (don’t Google it…the pictures are DISGUSTING). We’ve got a chart to keep track of who had what medication when.
So, to thank you for hanging around and being patient wit me, I’ve got something for you. And it’s not even contagious!
I recently had the opportunity to test sew Carla’s (aka The Scientific Seamstress) latest pattern, Reversible Rompers.
You can make it any length (short, capri, pant) and you can ruffle it up for girls. Plus, reversible = 2 outfits for the work of one!
I chose a madras plaid and a navy solid for mine. I’m not kidding when I tell you that my actual sewing time was about an hour. SO fast and SO easy.
And SO cute!
I think he looks like he’s up to no good.
He may also be sick of pictures.
Want to try this or any other pattern yourself?
How about 15% off through the end of the month?
Use code “YouCanMakeThis” at check out to take advantage of the deal through 2/28/11!
Thanks, I have some patterns I have been wanting to buy, just haven't gotten up the nerve, this will help. sorry about the sickies, i am trying to figure out how to tell my 3 yr old she isn't going to gymnastics today because mommy is sick and doesn't have the energy to take her.
Cute! Great job. I'm afraid of my sewing machine, so I don't think I'll attempt this one.
Eww, house full of sick kids~~arg. I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but they'll keep getting sick. Last year, after spending weeks re-doing my older son's room from Kid Room to Young Adult Room, he managed to barf on the 12 hour old carpeting. We feel your pain. Take care of yourself now, too.
I was looking at that pattern and thinking it might be good, but it looks really long in the crotch.
Is the rise in the front and the back the same?
She actually shortened the length in the crotch between the test version and what's now for sale. The rise in the front and back are different. Does that help?
That does help.
Thank you.
I have her Easy fit pants patterns and I hate that the rise is the same for my 'fat bottomed girl'. They work great for my skinny kids, though.
OMG! You told me NOT to google it, which means I HAD to google it. And you weren't kidding, lady – super gross. Here's hoping your kids all feel (and look) better soon!!
It's no fun tending to sick little ones.
Hi, where did oyu get madras fabric???? I have been looking all over, googling it, etc. Thanks!
It came from Hobby Lobby.
Ah. I've been blog stalking you since someone posted it on BBC months ago…. I'm OBBSESSED!! Thought I'd de-lurk LOL
Ah. I've been blog stalking you since someone posted it on BBC months ago…. I'm OBBSESSED!! Thought I'd de-lurk LOL
I love your blog – I gave you an 'award\ ver at my site.
Dear One of my Favorite Bloggers,
I love reading your blog and I want to present you with the Sylish Blogger Award. I hope you will accept because you deserve it!
Check it out!