Bennett’s a rolling < insert my last name here for the joke >

See that smirk?

It’s all fun and games ’til somebody in cowboy boots shows up with a light saber and announces he pooped.
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  1. LOL and CUTE!

  2. I was thinking ‘pin’. But Coester works too.

  3. Oh man, that 2nd picture is adorable! Well, and who doesn’t love cowboy boots and a light saber

  4. Way cute boys you’ve got there.

  5. Porter can clear a room too. I think it will work to their advantage when they start line-backing together.

  6. sweetpea says:

    LOL, and he’s totally adorable!!!

  7. The Weight Family says:

    Oh how I do love that baby of yours!!!! ANY TIME you need a break you just bring hime on over to “auntie Jami’s” house. By the way, just read ALL of your blogs and I think you have a career as a comedic act or like a latenight show like Dvae Letterman. You are HilLaRiOuS!!!!! and I adore all of your children.

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