This is part of a week-ish long series in which I’ll be sharing simple kid Valentines that can be printed as 4 X 6 photos (13 cents-ish at your local warehouse club) and then spiced up with the addition of inexpensive party supply store trinkets (25 cents or less). If you’re a new reader, check out the TOAD-ally awesome ones I did last year that inspired this series. All of my trinkets were purchased at Zurcher’s, but I’m sure you can find similar things at any party store. I usedZots 3D to adhere the toys.
OK OK OK! This one doesn’t really fit, but I’m totally handing it out to my friends who share my affinity for Danny, Donnie, Joey, Jonathan and Jordan.
Unfortunately there’s no printable…don’t want to get in trouble for that.
Which New Kid was your favorite? Are you too young for that? More of an N*SYNC fan? Backstreet Boys?
Here’s where I confess that I dated a Joey look alike in high school.
And, because someone asked and I have no shame:
Hope your Thursday is fabulous!