Happy (?) Valentine’s Day!

So how was your weekend?

We had impetigo.

And puking.

Fun, right?

I took an insanely awesome photography class from the amazing Emilie of Photo by Emilie. We got to practice on real people. Scary!



More on that later.

I also hit up a fun little consignment store called Abode. More on that later, too.

We made some Valentine boxes. Keller went the safe route with this bucket he decorated with stickers.


(His shirt is some heat transfer and a robot design from Silhouette.)

Macy went the insane route with this little beauty:


And then she started puking, so *I* got to take it to school and present it to her teacher this morning.

My 2 big kids made these sucker moustache Valentines from Family Fun.

Campbell decorated his box at school, but he NEEDED a shirt. So, we busted out the freezer paper and the Silhouette and some of my new favorite product, Tulip Soft Fabric Paint.


Got any big plans? I mean, bigger than taking care of sick kids and doing laundry…

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  1. UtahMillers says:

    Oh your poor babies! I hope the hubby has something nice planned for you. Like maybe giving you a break to take a shower? ha ha

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. aww sorry about the sickness – that is no fun!
    We got our ideas from Family Fun this year too – Fruit-By-The-Foot rose cupcakes and flower valentines.
    I adore that toilet valentine box -so cool!

  3. Sympathy. Great photos. Beautiful heart shirt. Keller's robot shirt is really cool. Like his bucket. Always nice to have a good sense of humor, but I don't know if I'd be brave enough to face the teacher with a toilet box…
    My DH stopped by with a 2 4 1 Dunkin Donut. That's about as much as I can expect from him, but I'll take it. He has a job. I appreciate that.

  4. Very cool toilet! I'm surprised I didn't see a miniaturized roll of tp on the side. :) Sorry you guys are sick :(

  5. Amanda Brantley says:

    Awesome stuff.

    Our vday tradition is chinese food and a movie at home, snuggled in pjs. : ) who needs the crowds on vday? not me!

  6. Sarah @ Sarahndipities says:

    So sad to be sick…But that's a great valentine's box!

  7. Marianne, aka Ranger Anna says:

    Ewwwwee…our big plans? Go to U-Mich Hospital and get results from Kid #2's test (ain't real good), splurge on Reeses PBcups for whop-di-do treat. Yea, a rockin' day here, too. Mommyhood is grand.

  8. emily @morefromthemoorefamily says:

    Okay, so what's your favorite for making the shirt??? Freezer paper or the Silhouette heat-transfer paper? I have only tried the freezer paper (and I used acrylic paint, worked well but had a "worn" look). Both of yours turned out so cute!! I haven't tried to put the freezer paper through my Silhouette yet… too scared. ha ha!

    Love all your ideas!!

  9. Melanie@Crafty Cupboard says:

    I didn't even wave at the V-day bandwagon this year, really. If my awesome Wal-mart valentines stapled to a ziploc full of candy (stapled sitting in my car outside the home of the valentine playgroup) is any indication of how much I prepare for this holiday…

    …once a guy toilet-papered my front yard. So I put a toilet on his doorstep. His mom planted flowers in it.

  10. Nurse Heidi says:

    The toilet?? Awesome. And I refuse to show it to Ethan because if I did, I am quite certain he would insist on making it next year.

  11. Photo By Emilie says:

    Char, LOVED having you at my workshop. Are you kidding me with those images. You rock!! I can't wait to see more.

  12. lol LOVE the toilet box! she's a confident young girl with a great sense of humor =D

  13. aw!…………..but it's alwayz fun to spend time with the kids right!
    love the toilet box:)

  14. Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder says:

    I see that the crafting gene has been passed on to the next generation. I am still laughing.

  15. Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder says:

    I see that the crafting gene has been passed on to the next generation. I am still laughing.

  16. Love both your Valentine's tees. What settings do you use on your Silhouette to cut freezer paper?

  17. Cute pictures and valentines stuff!!! Sorry you're all sick!

  18. Oh! That totally stinks for people to be sick on such a fun holiday!! I have to admit that I laughed a little that Macy wanted a toilet Valentine's box and then she puked and couldn't take her toilet to school herself. (Does anyone else think that's more than a little funny??) I hope your family is well soon!! I love that you made Valentine's shirts for the kids.

  19. I really hope Macy made it to the REAL toilet and didn't throw up in her Valentine's box!

  20. I think it is so funny that your daughter made a toilet for a valentine "box." I think it fits with your blog title very well!

  21. Emily Hyte says:

    And he looked very handsome in his V-day shirt-except he told me YOU made it-he didn't take any credit. And if had known toilet-box had been an option, maybe we would have NOT decorated boxes at school…

  22. Faith, Trust, and a Little Pixie Dust says:

    Ha ha – this toilet Valentine box is hilarious. My son made one (smaller without a real seat) one year & it was SUCH a hit! Enjoying another visit to your blog!

    Warmly, Michelle

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    Happy (?) Valentine’s Day! – Crap I

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