Vote and vote some more

The projects for the final round (home décor) of CWTS are now up. My partner Lindy is one of the 3 finalists. I can’t tell you which one is hers, but I’ll tell that there is no way I could have pulled it off, especially on such a tight schedule.

Go here to vote! Voting ends TONIGHT at 10pm MST.


The top 10 in the Knock It Off contest over at 733 has been announced. It was insanely difficult to narrow it down because all the projects were SO different from one another. Seriously…how to you compare a wedding dress to a rhino?

Go here to vote! Voting ends Friday.

Me? I’ve got big plans to haul a kid to the doctor. Again. And not either of the ones that were sick over the weekend/yesterday.

Confused smile

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Go vote!

Round 3 of CWTS is up.

GO HERE to vote.

My partner Lindy is still in and her project is awesome (as usual).

I’ve got a giveaway from one of my newest sponsors for you in a bit so stay tuned!

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We’re in the midst of a big old bedroom swap and someone (hint: Bennett) has decided he does not enjoy his new bed and that he needs to tell me about it every hour or so ALL.NIGHT.LONG. So, things are a mess and I’m exhausted. I’ll have the scripture case tutorial (U of U or other embellishments Winking smile) for you shortly.

In the mean time…

Voting for round 2 of CWTS ends tonight at 10 MST. Go vote, if you haven’t already.

Kim @ 733 (who designed my blog) is hosting a fun contest called Knock It Off. There are prizes (over $100 worth) and I’m one of the judges!

And, you can enter the Elk Dresses giveaway through Friday at midnight here.

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My CWTS partner: Lindy @ Cottage Hill

So, projects for Round 1 (Dollar/Thrift store) of CWTS are due tonight. Voting opens in the morning. I’ll be sure to link you over when it’s time. And, I’m saying it…

My partner’s project is awesome!!!

Too bad I can’t give you any hints, ey?

Let me just show you a little of what she’s capable of, and maybe you’ll be able to figure it out.

First up, her CWTS audition project:


And how about this insanely awesome clock?


And she plants stuff in books, too!


I love this pillow SO much!


And how about this quilt she’s been working on for 17 years? Winking smile


So, go introduce yourself to Lindy @ Cottage Hill!

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CWTS, Round 2

It’s back!

Auditions for round 2 of CWTS start over at Sew Dang Cute Crafts today! Auditions run through the 15th, so you’ve got plenty of time to link up an audition project. (It doesn’t have to be something brand new, but does have to have been made AFTER December 1st.) Head on over here to link up your project and read all the details!

You could get paired up with me, or maybe even someone awesome Winking smile. The “stars” participating this round are:

1. Amy (Mod Podge Rocks)
2. Beckie (Infarrantly Creative)
3. ME!
4. Cheri H. (I Am Momma – Hear Me Roar)
5. Cheri P. (It’s So Very Cheri)
6. Heather (Dollar Store Crafts)
7. Jen (Tatertots & Jello)
8. Kierste (Brown Paper Packages)
9. Lorie (Be Different…Act Normal)
10. Michelle (Someday Crafts)
11. Sachiko (Tea Rose Home)
12. Shelley (How Does She)

And I have to say that Emily from The Boy Trifecta who was my partner last round, has become one of my very favorite people. So yay for CWTS!

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And you thought election day was over

The final round of Crafting With the Stars is up over at Sew Dang Cute Crafts. My partner Emily got voted off a couple weeks ago, but it’s still worth checking out…barely. Winking smile

Go here to vote for your favorite. I did.

And don’t forget to enter to win ANYTHING from the Three Scoops of Love shop here. Giveaway closes tonight!

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***Don’t forget to enter The Pleated Poppy giveaway here.***

I probably should have mentioned this earlier. I’ve been deep in Halloween costumes for days!

My partner Emily from The Boy Trifecta was the brains and the brawn behind this awesome Kate Spade knock off over at CWTS.

She easily advanced to the next round!

This week’s theme?


And Emily’s a sewist (still sounds better than sewer). I’ve got a feeling that her project is going to be fabulous anyway…

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Meet The Boy Trifecta


(aka my Crafting With The Stars partner Emily, who I’m pretty sure is WAY more talented than me.)

Tam swears the pairings were random, but I think she’s lying based on the fact that Emily and I have 3 boys a piece and are both married to Bryans. Emily just needs a bonus girl like me…Winking smile

You may already be familiar with Emily on account of this Anthropologie inspired beauty:


That’s right…she just won Christie @ A Lemon Squeezy Home’s purse week.

And what’s the theme this week for Crafting With The Stars?


I’ve seen Emily’s project and it’s fabulous. Probably because I had nothing to do with it. Open-mouthed smile

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you what it is. Not even a hint. Seriously. Don’t ask.

The projects go up at midnight MST tonight (Saturday). Go over to Sew Dang Cute and vote your guts out for whatever you like best. Voting is open for 2 days or so and FOUR crafters get voted off this week.

And go tell Emily hi!

***THIS JUST IN: Only 3 people get eliminated this week. And I don’t pay attention. Go vote anyway, will ya?***

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Flickr Feature Friday

***Today is the last day to enter to win the fabulous earrings from ThirtySixTen…go here***

Today is also the last day to enter Crafting With The Stars.

The deadline is 8pm MST tonight. And remember, you can enter anything you’ve made since September 1st. Come on…you know you wanna!

Now on with our feature!

Did you know Crap I’ve Made has a Flickr group? You can find the link at any time up on my menu bar under Crap You’ve Made. Go add your stuff! Please?

Projects from the Flickr group will be featured on Fridays.

Remember the spooky soap dispensers from last week? I think Target’s probably wondering why they’re suddenly so popular.

My pal Tina made these (and had her friend with a Cricut cut the faces for her):

IMG00198 (1)


And brianneandfam made this one:


She cut the face by hand.

Kristina over at The Grassy Noall made this one using glittery fun foam instead of vinyl.


Has anyone else made the soap dispensers? Go upload pics to the Flickr group or link me to your blog and I’ll add them to this feature post!

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The big announcement!

Today’s the day.
Tam over at Sew Dang Cute is starting up a fun new bloggy contest.

And guess who’s participating?
1. Amy (The Idea Room)
7. Heather (Dollar Store Crafts)
11. Michelle (Someday Crafts)
12. Shelley (How Does She?)

And guess who else could be participating?


That’s right…YOU!

Hop on over to this post for all the details!

See you there?

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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