
Let’s say you sent your husband to the store and asked him to get a pencil sharpener. Would he come home with this?

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  1. That freaking rocks. If it doubles as a piggy bank, then you owe him big time. The idea of having to pay $.25 to sharpen a pencil is golden.

  2. Kermit~the~Frog says:

    Sadly, my husband is not nearly as cool as yours, so no.

  3. You know mine would buy that, except he wouldn’t just buy one, he’d get two or three.

  4. It’s actually a bear. And you jab the pencil in its forehead to sharpen. That slot in the top? A paper shredder. Why? You’ll have to ask BC.

  5. at least you don’t stick the pencil up it’s butt… my husband would come home with an electric sharpener… we’re the king and queen of lazy.

  6. A paper shredder! It’s obviously to shred the cheat sheet you were using on your tests.

  7. PIMP!

  8. That rocks…BC never stops surprising does he?

    I am sure you will get lots of good use out of that bear!

    PS did keller love it?

  9. Wendy, Alan, Max, and Lilly says:

    I needed a tape dispenser and picked up an elephant. You, Char, just have cool people around you.

  10. That is hilarious! And my kids would die laughing. And really a bear? I vote pig.

  11. Holy tiny shredder! That is hilaire.

  12. I thought I might die laughing! NOOOO my husband would not come home with this. I would. He would say something like “what are you spending good money on crap like that for” unitl I showed him how to use it. Then he would think it was cool.

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