OK, so they’re actually pajama bottoms, but “lounge pants” sounds fancier (and you all know how fancy we are). Fancy. Capital F. I let each of the kids pick his or her own fabric…and I kept my mouth shut. These two belong to Campbell. Wait ’til you see what Keller picked out. Did I mention that I kept my mouth shut? Did I mention it probably took Keller 2 hours to make his selections? BC and the two littlest dudes went back to the car and fell asleep. THAT is how long it took. The list of things that are less painful than going to the fabric store with children includes “dipping a paper cut in lemon juice” and “donating a kidney”.
Pattern is this. I love their stuff. My favorite part is that you just print out whatever sizes you need on 3 or 4 pieces of regular paper. You can junk (and/or recycle) the paper when you’re done and not clutter up your sewing room.
Edited to add: This is what was going on while I typed up this post.
Love the lounge pants! (and if you ever need to borrow some “fancy shoes” to go w/them, let me know. I can hook you up)
And PIMP at the sink activities. Is he also wearing boots? And how is he not melting in those pjs? It’s summer, boy!
Indeed he is wearing boots. And one’s red and brown and the other is black.
If I knew how to sew, I’d my entire wardrobe would be lounge pants. Not sewing is holding me back in almost every aspect of my life.
Campbell is a stud. Be glad he was playing in water, usually when I post Porter puts his hands down his diaper and sometimes they come out poopy. Like father like son.
Sweet Char…you have a blog! Too bad I’m not your visiting teacher anymore so I don’t ever know what’s going on with you! Send me your email and I’ll send you an invite to my blog (it’s private…I’m weird about Internet Predators) – [email protected]. You might find it boring, but anyway…I’ll talk to you later!
i so love campbell.
also, how’d you know i was jonesing for a pair of lounge pants. (inseam 29). Thanks.
also, word verification: ispoon
why, yes, i do.
i have been looking for a good pj pant pattern!! but i am confused…do you have to pay $10 for each size you want to print out? or what?
I’m just impressed you let them pick their own fabric, lol! I love the way they turned out–*maybe* I could do that too. Maybe.
I cannot wait to see what Keller picked out!!
once again your talents are amazing. The pants are so cute.
That Campbell had me LOL with his sink adventure. He is so stinking cute, I am so glad I got to see him IRL. You and BC really do make the cutest kids ever. Maybe you should have a dozen of them.