
We found Bennett wedged like this yesterday morning. I got a summons for jury duty yesterday afternoon and feel much the same way. Bennett’s exclusively a boob man. He’s not on solids and has only ever taken a bottle in his sleep. Breastfeeding is not grounds to be excused from jury duty in Utah. Did I mention my big kids are off track, too? Ugh.

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  1. Hee Hee is he cute or what?

    That stinks about jury duty. I say you bring him with you and see if that gets you off of the hook.

    Maybe you will get lucky like me, and go and sit for 5 hours so they can tell you they don’t need you.

  2. he is freaking adorable.

    that’s totally gay about watching children not being grounds for excusing you… it is in CA.

  3. Utah is whack. You need to move to CA. Apparently it’s more mother/child friendly, lol!

  4. I think he’s the cutest little crap ever. Sucks about jury duty.

  5. I agree with Jane. Drag the whole crew down to the courthouse. And make sure none of you is showered. :P

  6. And that is about the crappiest bday gift EVER! lol

  7. MandyMoo76 says:

    your son is adorable! i just found your blog (love love love it btw) so i've been going back to catch up and noticed your son's name is bennett…i have a bennett too! he's 5 on 11/27/09. he's bennett raleigh easton (raleigh after his daddy and great grandpa)…so i just wanted to commend you on your choice of name for your adorable son. :o)

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