Halloween pants

For Sheri’s kid. I would donate a kidney for hair even half that awesome.

Pattern is this. Fabric is Alexander Henry, I believe. It’s been in my stash for at least a year, possibly two.

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  1. Very cute! My sisters and I used to love making pajama-type pants when we were growing up (well, I would have them make them for me).

    The stripey material in my post came from Joann in the quilting section. We just got it a couple of weeks ago from there. We would have done the stripes on the outside, but we were both afraid of trying to match up the stripes.

  2. i love that fabric – the white colorway, too. someday i’ll pick some up…

  3. That kid is CUTE!
    And yeah, her own mother would give a kidney to have hair like that. Thick, curly hair, blue eyes…still not even sure she’s mine.

  4. love that fabric, and that kid.

  5. cute, cute, cute!

  6. So Cute!
    I need a halloween costume for work, wanna make me one?

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