Fabric flowers

These are going to become hair clips to match another wrap dress.

If you want to make your own, you will need:

  • Fabric scraps, I used 2 different coordinating prints
  • Wonder Under
  • Flower template of your choice, I used the small one found here
  • Button for center, I used fabric covered ones
  • Needle and thread

I cut 2 3″ X 6″ rectangles of each fabric and 2 3″ X 6″ rectangles of Wonder Under.

Iron Wonder Under to wrong side of one rectangle of each fabric.

Peel off the paper backing. I realize this picture looks pretty much exactly like the last one. Shut up.

Put the wrong sides together and iron again.

Now you should have 2 sided fabric.
Trace/pin/whatever your flower shape to your fabrics and cut out. I doubled it up so I wouldn’t have to cut so much. I’m lazy like that.

You should have 4 flowers, 2 of each fabric.

Stack your flowers, alternating fabrics.

If you’re using a regular button, skip this next part. If you’ve never covered a button before, don’t be scared. It’s super easy. Cut out a circle in the shape of the template that comes with the buttons.

Put the fabric in the white thingy and follow the directions on the button package.

I take a stitch or two through the 4 layers of flowers before attaching the button, just to make sure stuff doesn’t shift around. Then, sew on the button. Tie it off on the back. I like to wad up my flower a bit aftewards so it has some dimension. Attach the flower to a clip or pin or whatever. This one found a home on a purse I made a while ago.

(Don’t look too closely…there’s a little blood on that button in the center.)

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  1. well, hurry the freaking crap up…

    (kidding… sorta… i’m thinking i could figure it out by myself, but since you’re cooler than me, i’ll wait)

  2. ohhhh love those! Going to have to make some myself!!! (In all my free time, you know… ;) )

  3. please tell me you’re going to include pictures of the dress. You KNOW they’re funny.

  4. I am sure the dress is adorable since the fabric is freaking cute! And could you tell Macy to hurry up and grow. ;)

    Love the flowers, maybe I could even make one….?

  5. Those are sooooo cute!! I need a girl!

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.crapivemade.blogspot.com.
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