Know what tomorrow is?

The real Mother’s Day. That’s right. Things 1 and 2 will be back in school for the first day since December 4th. I’m ready.

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  1. i am SO ready!

    (just in time for Miles to get another fever.)

  2. I wish I could send my kids back, and I could have a week at home.

    Enjoy your mothers day.

  3. You and me both sista! We are having a blogger lunch on Weds to celebrate, you should join us! Amber is coming! (I hope I have my info right. If not, chalk me up to being a dork and ignore my comment)

  4. Congrats!

  5. Also ready.

  6. Yeah Char- you should come to lunch! YAY for school!

  7. So funny! We should definitely have another play date then! I’ll have to let Kenzie know her boyfriend is ready to go now that he’s conquering the porcelain God!

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