Are you familiar with IKEA hacker? If not, go have a look around. We decided to attempt a minor hack of our own. BC loves his electronics crap. The unit we bought for the theater room 3 years ago? This:
I swear it used to look nice. Somebody got a new receiver and then had to cut a hole in the back. He’s not really known for his attention to detail. Yes he left all that sawdust in there…for probably a year or more. The glass doors were always open and it just was not working.
Enter this little beauty, the IKEA Stockholm TV unit:
One problem…it’s not even close to big enough for all BC’s crap. So, we bought 2 of them. Then we cut the legs off and stacked them and bracketed (probably not a word) them together on the back for stability. We left the back panels off completely so as to not have a repeat of the sawdust incident I mentioned before.
Yes, all his crap is really in there. Now I just need to come up with something for the Rock Band paraphernalia….
clever little hacker. it really does look nice, though.
Jehremy would be proud.
We bought the guitar stand the other week at Best Buy. (same trip as the AI dude sighting) It holds 3-4? guitars upright, the microphone and the drumsticks. I think there’s something on there that can allow it to BE a microphone stand, too. Which would solve BC’s problems of trying to sing and play the guitar at the same time. Just lookin’ out for ya, BC.
Why, that is genius. I’m guessing the sawdust from the legs is hiding under the top unit?
Very clever…I wouldn’t have thought of getting two and putting them together!