Dear lady at my doctor’s office,

If you’re calling to tell me how to treat constipation in my 3 year old and there’s any chance your cell phone might ring mid conversation within ear shot, please choose a ring tone other than “Push It”.

I will not be able to control my giggling.

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  1. Maybe if you play that in the bathroom things will come out easier.

  2. Kermit~the~Frog says:


    Sorry you’re still dealing with that.

  3. I guess we’re done dealing with it for a few days. Campbell may be able to withstand suppositories, PediaLax, and Miralax, but he CANNOT withstand the power of a Fleet enema.


  4. Fleet Enema huh? We are having that problem here with my Cole. Do you think I ought to give it a try?

  5. aren’t you a mathematician ? I heard something once about how they deal with constipation…

  6. I would be giggling too!! I’m glad you found something that works–

  7. ROFL! Poor kid though.

  8. This just made my whole Sunday. Thank you! :)

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