I’ve hit rock bottom

That’s right. This may be an all time low. I’m blogging about a banana. It’s not just any banana. No, no, NO! When I opened my bag of bananas from Costco, I found this:

It’s a Siamese banana! And don’t you worry. I’ll be sure to update you when I actually peel it.
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  1. Kermit~the~Frog says:

    A banana with buttcheeks!

  2. Want to see how a monkey peels a banana?

  3. This is not rock bottom my friend, you are posting very interesting material. I can’t wait to see the inside.

  4. your banana looks like labia.

  5. Kristine Robinson says:

    Too bad you don’t have a banana bunker so you can take it with you everywhere you go!

  6. Dang. From the title, I thought you were going to be discussing your obsession w/bags.

  7. Are you crazy? Sell it on ebay! Let’s all have a vote on how much we think it will sell for.

  8. Too funny! What a find.

  9. Have you peeled it yet?

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