So, I peeled the banana

On the inside were two completely separate bananas, nestled side by side. And they made for a delicious smoothie.

And if you haven’t yet, check out this AWESOME Valentine idea my friend Alissa came up with. Totally filing that away for next year.

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  1. your banana was a fraud!

  2. The banana looks even more amazing in person. I still think’s it pretty dang cool, even if it was just two babies in one deformed placenta!

  3. porter family says:

    umm…those valentines are SO cute! i am TOTALLY doing them next year. remind me..

  4. ba and the boys says:

    im just stalking your blog and your friend alissa is also MY FRIEND! way funny! i knew yer hears ago when she was young (like tweenager) and living in york pa! small blog world…

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