Ever have one of those days…

where you go hide in the living room on the floor in the corner to eat your dinner because you know no one will be whining or fighting in there?

And BC’s laptop charger broke, so no posting pics from there either. Blah.

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  1. oh char! i’m so sorry! HUGS! Vent it out, girl!

  2. Rosie and Derek says:

    Tough day? Yes, I totally do that. All the time actually! But I usually go to my bedroom to get a little peace and quiet.

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Oh NO!!! I NEVER have those kinds of days….my life is perfect! Didn’t you know??? LOL
    Hang in there!!!

  4. Yes. Only, in a 2bdrm/1bath apartment, the only real place to “hide” is the bathroom. And yes, I’ve eaten my dinner in there many times. And I don’t know what’s wrong with you…Sundays are my FAVORITE day of the week.

  5. I’m with Elizabeth, I have no idea what you are talking about. My kids never fight…… Everything is always perfect at our house… NO yelling, fighting, hitting, biteing, screaming, crying, sobbing… or anything.. Oh wait, that’s while there sleeping :) You can come hide at my house any time.

  6. You mean I’m not the only one that locks myself in my bathroom so I can scream at the top of my lungs? Hey if you want to get together or go to lunch or something, call me!

  7. Jami Blake-Weight says:

    Sometimes James Edward and myself will feed the kids PB&J around 7, put them down for bed early and then order in for us. Just so we can eat a quiet peaceful dinner.

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