Petunia Pickle Bottom Outlet Sale

Starts today, 8 am Pacific time.

Go here.

I’m not shopping today. BC already told me he’s getting me a new diaper bag for Mother’s Day….from the top of my closet. Jerk.

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  1. porter family says:

    still WAY too expensive for me!

  2. Ah Bryan….

    Those bags are so cute. Is that your black and white shoulder bag??

  3. Jami Blake-Weight says:

    #1. I don’t know if i could purchase anything from a stor called “petunia picle bottom”, it sounds like a new and rare STD.

    #2. with all of your many diaper bags, I’m thinkin’ you yourself could have a sale of petuniaa tickle bottom diaper bags.

    #3. I have no need for a diaper bag as far as I know, and will not be needing one again if it is up to me…(then again I could get one for when I watch/play with Bennett????)
    XOXOXO – Jami

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