Apron in an hour

Don’t really sew but want to learn? This is a great place to start. Tutorial here.

The only issue I ran into was that the lady at Hobby Lobby cut my fabric wonky, so I couldn’t just rip it like the tutorial said. Make sure your fabric is cut straight, or manually cut the strips instead of ripping them.

If you’re my neighbor, this will be our next sewing group project. If you’re not, try it. I promise you can do it.
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  1. Kermit~the~Frog says:

    What’s a fat quarter?

  2. Normally when you buy a quarter of a yard of fabric, you get a piece that’s 9″ X 44/45″. A fat quarter is a cut generally sold at quilt shops (and they even have them folded/prepackaged at JoAnn’s and Hancock’s) that measures 18″ X 22″. It’s like if you bought a half yard and then cut it in half the “fat” way instead of the usual way.

    I actually bought half yards and then cut them myself and threw the other piece in my scrap basket.

  3. Kermit~the~Frog says:

    Hmm. Good to know. Thanks!

  4. jenpetersen says:

    Am I in your neighborhood? I have a fun purse made with fat quarters that I could show as a contributing idea if you will let me come.

  5. sweetpea says:

    I wish I was in your neighborhood! I think I can try this though…

  6. Very cute! I think this will be a good idea. Go ahead and just pick a day and announce it Sunday (if you don’t mind)! Thanks Char!!

  7. Meredith says:

    love it!!!

  8. Looks great!!!!

  9. Kristine Robinson says:

    I want to come to the next sewing group!! Let me know when it is…

  10. Joni Walton says:

    Really, I don’t sew. But, thanks to you I am really going to try!

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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