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What kid doesn’t like rolls??
Snack for later?
Food storage for swine flu?
Were they moldy?
omgosh. that’s total awesomeness.
He’s working on his 72 hour kit! So he’s still got 71 hours to go- but it’s a start right?
remember how I found that brownie I’d stuck in my purse at Disneyland…6 weeks later?
(word verification = clown)
That is as good as the time you found crab legs in the pocket or his pants.
That is as good as the time you found crab legs in the pocket or his pants.
You have taught him well the practice of food storage.
I’m glad you didn’t make spaghetti for dinner on Easter. That could have really been messy.
that really made me laugh, especially tam’s comment about food storage, lol!!