Hope your Mother’s Day was speclal too!

Keller made me this necklace for Mother’s Day. “The U is because you love the Utes!” I’m awesome, so I wore it to church.

I looked down during the 3rd hour and noticed something.

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  1. Kristine Robinson says:

    Hey, I have one of those! Hade I gone to church, I would have worn it, too. I also got a beautiful matching hat. Not sure where I will wear that. Kids are awesome!

  2. Keller is such a sweetheart!I love it. Hope you had a good weekend with your mom and brother!!!

  3. porter family says:

    cute! i LOVE homemade gifts. i have hinted to david that he should make sure the girls make me one every mothers day but of course that never happens.

  4. awwww!

  5. sweetpea says:

    That is SO sweet! Homemade gifts are the best.

  6. I had no idea you were such a big Ute fan. lol. So cute. My mom always wore the stuff we made, too.

  7. Your cool friend Cheryl says:

    Aww! I can’t wait until my little guys start making stuff for me. Right now they’re more into handing me half chewed food they don’t like.

  8. Super Sweet! The handmade gifts from the kids mean the most.

  9. I did notice your necklace. I loved it. And how sweet that he put that, even if it was on accident.

  10. Joni Walton says:

    I agree, you are speclal.

  11. Just darling!

  12. That’s so sweet! My hubby needs more hinting (apparently)

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