
Campbell, of course. I suspect he’s also responsible for the melted cheese I had to clean out of the washer this morning.

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  1. porter family says:

    oh man! did you beat him!?

  2. Laurel @ Ducks in a Row says:

    All you can do is just sigh

  3. argh!!!

  4. *sigh* is right!

  5. Rosie and Derek says:

    Melted cheese… that’s one thing I haven’t had to clean out of the dryer. YET. And ugh, I hope that crayon will come off with a magic eraser!

  6. I wish it was crayon. It’s totally marker. *another sigh*

  7. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    Char, maybe someone already told you this, but, spray White Rain hairspray on the marker. It takes some elbow grease but it should scrub off. Really. Our house was graffitied (long time ago) and that is how we got the spray paint off.

  8. sweetpea says:

    oh man. I totally feel your pain, although I think the markers and melted cheese have me beat!

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