So far, so good

The Great Potato Experiment of 2009 has already outperformed The Upside Down Tomato Experiment of 2008.
All that means is that nothing’s dead yet. Woo?

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  1. porter family says:

    lookin’ good!

  2. suh-weet! i think i’ve mentioned this, but potatoes are a winter veggie here in FL, so if it works out for you, perhaps I’ll try it in October.

  3. Beverly says:

    You should consider straw bale gardening. It’s only for above ground plants (not potatoes or other things that grow under the ground). But is great for tomatoes! ;-)

  4. Kristine Robinson says:

    Sounds like a biology experiment. Have I mentioned lately that biology sucks? Way to grow!

  5. Ditto Alissa, I will have to try it here too. Can’t wait to see your results.

  6. Love your blog. :) Thanks for sharing it. I grew potatoes in large pots last year with GREAT success. I think this should work well for you.

    Good luck! ;)

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