Whilst I’m working on the party post…

It’s been raining here. Like A LOT. Pretty much every day for weeks. And my kids have been off track.

Anyway, it was nice Friday. The kids were outside most of the day. It had been quiet for a while, so I did some investigating. I found my boys and the neighbor kid out front like this:

Let’s look closer.

What exactly was for sael free?

Let’s look closer again.

(Click on it)
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  1. Eeeew……..sick!!!! Dirt and bugs. Well, atleast it's free!

  2. The Bronson Bunch says:

    That is hilarious! Ha ha ha!

  3. Is that a snail in there? Hilarious! And I love "sael. free"

  4. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    OM! Max would have been there in a split second had he know this sael was going on!

  5. Parker Family says:

    That is awesome.. How adorable!

  6. The Harding Hive says:

    Oh my gosh, that is the cutest thing ever. I totally would've bought the snail, for free. Cute kids.

  7. Ok, Char–I am feeling a little slow here, I totally went thru the tutorial for the ruffley onesies over at U Create and have been figuring out just what kind of fantastic ruffles I'm going to do for my not-quite-born-yet nieces and I did not realize that the clever tutor was you! Nice going!!
    Also, I caught a glimpse of one of your cupcake chef hats and they turned out so great!! Was it tricky to get just the right amount of puffy on top? I'm so impressed…

  8. love it! did they ever find a buyer?

    also, Campbell's belly in that shirt has me pimp. seriously that kid is adorable.

  9. Schroeders in a nut shell says:

    LOL! What funny kids! (they can keep their snails though hahaha)

  10. "Cottage By The Sea" says:

    Free! I pay to get rid of those things.

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