Decoupaged Barn Star

I found this idea here (and small weird world on the old www, she happens to be my step mom’s neighbor).



Look way up there in the right hand corner.

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  1. Beverly says:

    What a great idea! I found some of those stars at a yard sale recently and loved them, but I'm out of my country stage and couldn't think where or how I'd use them. Now I do! I'll be on the lookout–thanks!

  2. I love the paper you used…very cute!

  3. michellejohnnie says:

    I love the colors and paper!

  4. Flockhart Family says:

    So cute. I have used modge podge once, and loved it. I will for sure have to try this.

  5. Your cool friend Cheryl says:

    I did this in my boy's bedroom with bright colors. Very pretty!

  6. Super cute! I love your choice of paper.

  7. Super cute!i!i!i

  8. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    I saw this on Good Things Utah, too. Only they did each triangle of the star. Do you get what I mean. I like yours a lot, too. You used way cuter paper than the other I saw.

  9. Wendy, I was tryiing to incorporate more turquoisey blue as a fabulous decorator friend of mine recommended…..

  10. Fun, fun, fun! What a great way to make unique home accents.

  11. Look at your cleverness. I love it!!!

  12. Brenda Manzano says:

    lov'n ur living room..nice colors..feels inviting..

  13. Hi!

    Who is your step mom? I just saw your post. Your star turned out great!


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