You know what today is?

It’s my blogiversary.
My first post was exactly one year ago today.
Time flies when you’re having fun?
180 posts.
Here’s to 180 more!
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  1. Joni Walton says:

    Happy blogiversary!! Holy crap (pun intended) that you've posted 180 times in one year, but I think that it is the most productive thing you can do for all of us aout here! Love it, and heres to 180,000,000 more!

  2. Happy Blogiversary!!

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Congratulations!! I'm so glad that you blog! I enjoy reading it!

  4. Jenette says:

    Yah! Congratulations!

  5. Congrats!!! I just recently found your blog and love love love it!!!

    Thank you for all you post.

  6. I slightly remember pushing you to do your blog, and I am sure glad I did! I LOVE to read it!!

  7. Rosie and Derek says:

    Happy blogiversary!

  8. Woot! I am glad you decided to come back to the blogging world. I love your blog, and you.

  9. The Harding Hive says:

    Keep 'em coming. You are seriously THE most talented person I know. In fact, I was thinking I might do a post on MY blog about YOUR blog. (If that is OK with you). You have so many great ideas, and I have so many friends that would benefit from your inspiration. Whatta ya think?

  10. Your cool friend Cheryl says:

    Happy blog-a-versay! Your blog cracks me up, I hope you write another 180 (million) more!

  11. Priscilla says:

    Happy Blogerversary!! ( or however you spell that long word for a years worthy of blogging…lol)

  12. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    What? I thought you started your blog a long time before me!?! Do you know about "Blurb"? I slurped my blog into blurb and they made a nice book for me. I did one for 2008. I figure once a year makes a nice family journal. It is not costly and pretty quick!

  13. sweetpea says:

    Yay! Happy Blog-a-versary!

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