An actual dinner conversation

Me: What are those floating in your drink?

BC: I think they’re pomegranates.

I’m pretty sure they’re not, since pomegranates are *usually* about the size of apples….just sayin’…..

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  1. I am a SAHM of 3 kids under 6 and love to cook and craft. I stumbled across your blog while on the couch for an entire day (never – ever happens – I thought I had broken my foot) Anywho… I love your blog – I think you are so funny and creative:)
    I just gave you a shout out on my blog – b/c I know all my friends and family will love your blog too – thanks for all the inspiration!!

  2. Could be pomegranates…the actual fruit is big, but the stuff inside is small. My grandkids eat it by the handful–literally.

  3. Yeah…they were blueberries. ROFL.

  4. The Harding Hive says:

    So really, what is it?

  5. The Harding Hive says:

    Duh, I guess I should have read the other comments before I commented. Sorry.

  6. I got an awesome mental picture of a giant pomegranate stuck in the top of the glass! hahaha, I had a good laugh!

  7. porter family says:

    ummm…youre a smart ass. just saying.

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