Cue the angels singing!

Finally! 15.5 months!

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  1. perhaps he didn't know you were watching!

  2. SO CUTE!!!

  3. My son is almost 11 months and shows absolutely not interest in pulling up onto things, much less walking. He doesn't even move his feet when I hold his hands. I'm fairly certain he will be about your son's age when he decides to start movin'!

  4. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    Yay!!! And SO great that you got it on video!

  5. Elizabeth says:

    YAY!!!! He is too cute!!!

  6. Carla Hegeman Crim says:

    Oh my goodness! So stinkin' cute!

    Lou was 17.5 months when he finally started walking. He was sporting that exact same hairstyle, too!

  7. porter family says:

    good job bennett!

  8. Yay Bennett!

  9. woohoo!

  10. SO cute!! and, as you prolly have on your spreadsheet, all of my boys have been late walkers.

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