First day of preschool

Obviously not the best picture of him, but it is for sure my favorite.

2 kids at regular school.

1 kid at preschool

1 kid asleep.


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  1. Momentous, I think that's what I'd call it.

  2. porter family says:

    he is too cute!

  3. jenpetersen says:

    Who starts preschool on Aug.11?

  4. bluestocking mama says:

    what a great pic!

  5. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    SO CUTE!!! I wanna come over and see your floor. Call me please and invite me?

  6. The Harding Hive says:


  7. Very cute!
    I have 2 kids at regular school, 1 playing at his cousin's house for the day and 2 babies sleeping and yes, it's very weird!

  8. such a great pic!

  9. (thought I commented on this already?)
    anyway, it's a good thing he's so cute.

  10. Splendid Little Stars says:

    He's so cute! just preciious!

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