The great potato harvest

Today, we harvested.
Recruit some extra kids to help. Make sure they’re willing to REALLY get into it.
Washing the potatoes off.
Even Ben got in on the action.
Not bad for a couple of garbage cans!
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  1. Oh my goodness, I didn't know you could do that. Oh yeah, Im so growing potatoes in a trash can.

  2. porter family says:

    i love the first picture with one of the boys almost entirely in the can…upside down!

    looks like i might have to try this next year! thanks for experimenting for all of us.

  3. Lynn from For Love or Funny says:

    That is so AWESOME! Who knew that you could grow potatoes in a garbage can, of all things.

  4. So cool! Hopefully our garden area will be up and running next year and we can try this. That's a lot of potatoes!

  5. awesome!

  6. Heather at Happy Chippy Junk says:

    Love the piano!! Love the blog…and hello worlds cutest kids!!

  7. Heather at Happy Chippy Junk says:

    Love the piano!! Love the blog…and hello worlds cutest kids!!

  8. What an awesome idea!

    *I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for visiting my blog. I couldn't help but laugh at your comment about replacing the kid's photos with the embroidery hoops. How about hanging up all those hoops and pinning a few family photos on them, just to keep the family happy? I'd say that's fair. ;) lol

    Have a wonderful week!

  9. Kristine Robinson says:

    Thanks for letting Cam help – he had a blast. What the heck is Bennet wearing??

  10. Small fry & Co. says:

    I tagged you for being an Honest Scrap. You can see the details here:
    Don't feel obligated.

  11. Small fry & Co. says:

    I tagged you for being an Honest Scrap. You can see the details here:
    Don't feel obligated.

  12. I have been waiting and waiting and waiting to see what your trash can would yield and now I've made up my mind…this is totally worth doing next year!!! YAY for crap you've made/grown :)

  13. wow, that's a LOT of potatoes!! Love it. I am totally doing this next year!

    On a side note—is that baby really wearing leg warmers? I LOVE it!!!

  14. Me and My Family says:

    What a great idea! How did you do it? I live in Washington now and miss my Idaho Potatoes! I'd love to grow my own. Did you just cut up some potatoes and stick em in there? if you could e-mail me or something that would be great.

    Brittany Glenn
    [email protected]

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