The pressure!

So, what now?
Truth be told, I feel like I’m in a slump. Not a good time to be slumping, ey? (And now I’m singing Bobby Brown with slumpin’ in place of humpin’. I’m really, REALLY good at changing the lyrics to songs. Usually it’s dirty, though.)

I’m still making crap, but none of it is really blog worthy. I’ve made a couple of baby slings, some tie onesies, covered some wipes cases, and even made a bridesmaid’s dress for a neighborhood. Not a single picture.
And the computer’s wonky, too. It takes approximately 15 mouse clicks to get anything to happen.
I do, however, want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all of you that have stopped by and commented and emailed and stuff.
To answer a few questions…
No, I don’t sell anything. I don’t have an Etsy shop (though I do have an Etsy shopping problem). Will that ever change? Dunno.
I added the followers gadget. It’s on the bottom of the left hand column.
I *only* have 4 kids. The 14 was a joke and/or typo. Can you imagine???
Anything else you’d like to know?
Please follow and like us:


  1. Do you like pancakes?

  2. AdrianneJayne says:

    thanks for the clarification. I have to say you are my favorite feature on TCB! I laughed my head off while reading up on your blog! You sure make me wish I knew how to sew!

  3. Carina Blogarina says:

    I love love love your blog!! The sowingbox gave me idead for mine!

  4. I wanna know how you make a bridesmaid dress for a neighborhood. Also, why don't you get to work on that 14 kids thing. That is all.

  5. Sabra, you KNOW I hate pancakes!

    And Amy, it's a good thing you're my favorite cousin…..

  6. Hey!

    I can totally relate…it can be crazy hard trying to come up with "awesome" new crafty projects that are worthy to be shared via blogland! (I wrote your post about 2 weeks ago myself!)

    But, creativity will come back to you…maybe you just need a bit of a break!

    I love your blog & think you're *so* amazingly crafty so don't be discouraged!

  7. If I ever made any of those things, it would be HUGE, and definitely blogworthy, lol.

    You are awesome, and I love all your projects and creativity.

  8. Keith & Stephanie says:

    I ran across your blog a few days ago and I'm so glad I did! I love your crafty-ness and I love your humor!! :)

    Look forward to your blog!!!

  9. Keith & Stephanie says:

    I ran across your blog a few days ago and I'm so glad I did! I love your crafty-ness and I love your humor!! :)

    Look forward to your blog!!!

  10. Will you still be my friend when you're all famous and crap?

  11. Joni Walton says:

    It's hard to imagine that my old friend from the hood of WVC has made such a name for herself. :)

  12. What was the verdict on Mitch…there or not?

  13. Small fry & Co. says:

    Glad you added a followers gadget. Look how loved you are. Was there any doubt? Not in my mind. I am glad I am not the only one with idea slumps. It's a hard knock life.

  14. Small fry & Co. says:

    Glad you added a followers gadget. Look how loved you are. Was there any doubt? Not in my mind. I am glad I am not the only one with idea slumps. It's a hard knock life.

  15. HAHA…. 14 kids. I just fell off my chair.

  16. I don't even know how I got here – some one else's blog and I just couldn't ignore – crap I've made! I am a mom to 4 kids too – ages 9, 6, 4.5 and 3. For a while I didn't leave the house, but it's better now. No one nursing and everyone using potty! OK, that's all for now.

  17. I have commented on your site before – and I love all your great ideas!

    Want something to help you out of your funk? I am doing an awesome giveaway on my blog!


  18. You are going to be more famous than the Pioneer women before you know it. I do have some Crap I've made originals, maybe I need to save them for the hall of fame!

    You're the best!!!


  19. I saw your site on Creative Blog. Look forward to reading it!

  20. Kristine Robinson says:

    I will slump with you. I feel it, too!

  21. Congrats on your new found fame!!! Your blog is great…I love all the crap you make. Ha! It is really cute stuff!

  22. Kim -today's creative blog says:

    I made up the 14 kids……I like to tease, joke and poke fun. I love that some people believed me. LOL

  23. jenpetersen says:

    I admit I have been craving some new crap from you. I also admit that I tell many people about your blog and your amazing ideas and talents. You'll be famous yet. Oh-I don't think I'll be to your purse class. I can't rationalize another purse right now! If I change my mind I'll let you know. Oh-and I passed on your cupcake party to my sister in law and she is using it. She loved it!

  24. I first saw one of your tutorials linked from somewhere. The title is what's made me stick around. I use the word crap all the time. Well, crap and every derivitave of crap. Including some I've made up. (Crapity is my fave.)

    Anyway, I digress. I've got two teeny ones and spend my days slaving over my sewing machine or trying to teach my eldest to pretty please just use the potty. Your blog is always fun to read. Thanks for sharing your pancake-hatin', Bobby Brown-misquoting, ruffle butt onesie-making yourself with all of us in blogland.

  25. I'm not a mom, but I am in somewhat of a slump too and I have a craft show in 3 weeks…I must get my butt in gear…you will find your motivation!

  26. Hey…. Soon I will have a new house to decorate that you are more than WELCOME to come and help me with. So start creating again so I can copy…

  27. Not quite there yet... says:

    I'm sorry you're in a slump. Don't let it slow you down because I just found you and I think you're brilliant and fabulous!
    I have four kids too and the thought that you had 14 AND did everything else was mind blowing!

  28. i love your blog! you crack me up and you are super creative. no pressure though– we'll all still be here when you get your creative mojo back!

  29. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    hey egg-hater. you are totally famous. that is cool!

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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