We interrupt this blog…

to gross you out!

Seriously. I have a post that I had already scheduled for tonight. But then this happened.

Some neighbors came over and guess what they were greeted with when they came up to the door

Go on, guess.


You will not believe this.

A hot dog on a paper plate…


a pair of pooped-in undies.

What in the heck???

So, if they’re yours, I’m sorry but I threw them out.

Wearing a rubber glove, of course.

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  1. Priscilla says:

    ROFLOL! Well, no one can say that your greetings aren't unique!

  2. what the freaking freak?!

  3. what the crap?!


  4. I do not suggest clicking on the picture. I repeat…do NOT click on the picture!

  5. Blake & Anya Young says:

    I seriously love Sheri's advice. That is so gross!

  6. Blake & Anya Young says:

    I seriously love Sheri's advice. That is so gross!

  7. what the freak who would do that???holy disguisting!!!!

  8. Johnny and Jenette says:

    That is the wierdest thing I've ever seen!

  9. Crafty Christina says:


  10. Brooke and Mike says:

    LOL Some kid is running naked through the neighborhood and some mom is going to just die of embarrassment.

  11. Amber, That's Me! says:

    What the seriously heck?!?

    AND Sheri…WHY would you DO that? Geeze, now I'm gonna have to click on it.

  12. Amber, That's Me! says:

    OMG… I might have nightmares now. Sheri- you are COMPLETELY RIGHT.


  13. The Loveridge Family says:

    That is sooo nasty!!!

  14. The Vreeken Family says:

    What the crap…that is nasty! Any idea where it came from?

  15. Oh my gosh that is so sick and wrong and hilarious!
    If they would of lit it on fire first you could of had them arrested.

    I hope these were good friends neighbors, and not some that you hardly know.

  16. Now that's just crappy!

  17. Sorry, but I prefer the "crap" you've made over the "crap" that person made. :)

  18. Someone once smeared poop (it was human poop too) in the air vents of my car – you can imagine how bad that smelled and how hard it was to clean out… I still can't believe someone did this to you!

  19. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    I am guessing it is the same people that let their dog poop on your lawn. Sick and twisted.

  20. The Hershey Bryces says:

    SOO "Stinkin" funny!! Well, you can narrow it down to a little girl about 3-4 years old. :)

  21. porter family says:

    CHARLOTTE! i could have lived my whole life without seeing a picture of poop on someones blog. GROSS!!

  22. redheadtina says:

    That is seriously wrong!

  23. That seriously makes me want to throw up! Nasty!

    But…the comments left here made me laugh out loud!

  24. EWWW!!

  25. Nurse Heidi says:

    Wow. Just wow. I can't even formulate an appropriate response to that one…

  26. Mitchell 5 Family says:

    my eyes, my eyes…I clicked on the pic!!!!

  27. That is so stinkin' funny I posted a link on my mom's board b/c I have tears running down my face!

  28. I guess this is not "crap you've made" lol

  29. Speechless. and still laughing. that is so random and so totally gross! hilariously disturbing…

  30. I am laughing so hard i am crying and that's hard to do right when i wake up. wow you are a lucky gal lol

  31. I came over from TCB and I laughed so hard I cried!

  32. I am laughing so hard. Too, too funny!

  33. OMG! That is freaking hysterical! It's like the little one crapped her pants while holding her dinner and then just abandonned the whole thing right then and there – rotflmao

  34. Just Ducky @ Heart! says:

    That is disgusting, disturbing, and extremely humorous! And I have to say that I am SOOOOO glad I didn't even think to click on the picture….eeeewwwwwwww. And–glad it was at your house, and not mine, LOL!! Stinkin' funny (pun intended…!).

  35. That is disgustingly hilariously & the first thing I tought of is I got to show my husband. lol!

  36. that made me laugh so hard yesterday when i read it that i had to come back today to re-read it and the comments which made me laugh even more. thank you for that comic relief though i'm sorry for what it cost you :)

  37. Love Lorri says:

    thanks so much sheri-wouldnt have looked at the picture…now time to head to bed, if I dream of poop I will blame you both! lol

  38. Youngblood4ever says:

    K- GEE, thanks for telling me not to do something. Of course I'm gonna do it. YUCK! My daughter peed on my counter a couple of weeks ago. I blogged about it. It is the only way we can laugh at things like this.

  39. OK this post is going to be timeless on your blog! I just found your blog and I was laughing so hard I was crying, DH thought I was insane
    :) You are hysterical, this is hysterical and gross! :)

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