Turn dishtowels into placemats

This is one of those projects I found on the old memory card.

I got the idea from Erin over at House on Hill Road. I can’t find her original post, but click on over anyway. You will not be sorry you checked out her blog. And don’t even start making her twirly skirts…your daughter might have 5 or 6 of them before the week is up. Trust.

Step 1) Find some cute dishtowels. The ones I used came from the stuff Martha Stewart did for Kmart. They already had the ric rac on them.

Step 2) Cut the dishtowels in half across the width.

Step 3) Hem the raw edge. I serged it and then folded it over 1/4″ or so twice.

That’s it!

You could also embellish. They’d be super cute with more ric rac or ribbon or even some appliques.

Be warned, though, that they *might* make you want new dishes.

Well, if you’re insane like me they might.

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  1. Grace @ One Craft Girl's Corner says:

    How fun! I love the different colors!

  2. this is a great idea!!

  3. Your cool friend Cheryl says:

    I'm a sucker for gingham. Great idea!

  4. Terri Colberg says:

    OMG! I love these and I thought someone took a pic of my napkins!!! I bought the same tea towels from K-mart and cut in half– same way!!! I fold and put them in a basket (real decorative) and we use them for napkins and they dress up a table and our guest love them. Even used while eating bbq ribs and they washed up very nicely. I thought I was so orginal : ) You are so smart to share your picture!

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