Why it takes twice as long as it should

for Macy to practice piano:

I think it’s worth the extra time, don’t you?

I’m out from under the mountain of Halloween. More on that in the next couple of days, plus a giveaway.

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  1. nice chairs!

  2. Grace @ Ruby Moon Designs says:

    Precious picture—and I just noticed that your piano is painted! How very interesting! ;) I love the color!


  3. Hey new chairs! Yes, I noticed before I saw Shelah's comment.

    That is too precious! Dang…you have cute kids! (and Kennedy was really put out that we didn't get to Phantom Campbell). She probably asked me at least 50 times.

  4. So cute! That reminds me of that picture of Kelly sitting in the same chair as Kyle while he does his homework.

  5. Chelsea Strong says:

    Love the original wood under the keyboard lid.

  6. Lynn from For Love or Funny says:

    May I request "chop sticks" please?

  7. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    that IS a great picture!

  8. so freaking cute! good work on the piano and the kids. can't wait to see your Halloween stuff!!!

  9. free lessons from big sister!

  10. Awwww, that's so cute. I think nothing is more adorable than siblings interacting with eachother.

  11. Chanté says:

    I'm so glad Macy is taking piano lessons! Maybe one day she'll be the ward organist, and in a band like me haha. ;)
    Don't let her quit – all of my friends who have ever taken piano lessons always say they're disappointed they quit because they wish they could play/play better.

  12. Katy and Landon says:

    I too love the piano-but I have a question about that metal storage thing on the wall…where did you get that??? (if you remember, feel free to respond on my blog or at [email protected]) thanks!

    I've found your blog because I was looking up hooded towel tutorials, but now I definately think I need to make an tie onesie for my new nephew! Thanks for the tutorials!!

  13. Same thing in our house :)

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