Epic Fail

Do you ever have one of those days?

I had one yesterday.

No reason, really.

I tried to be good mom and make RMCF style Apple Pie Apples for a treat.

I even made my own carmel!

Only we didn’t have sticks. Skewers are OK in a pinch, right?

And then I have no idea what went wrong…seriously I made these things pretty much weekly last year, but this is what we ended up with:

Go ahead and laugh. I am.

Today’s a new day, right?

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  1. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    Were those "apple pie apples" ? My absolute favorite treat in the entire world! They still look delicious to me. I don't think I could ever attempt to make them! Kudos!

  2. court seal says:

    I'll try one! Also, I think Macy and Anna will have to fight for Jace….she loves that kid! Macy is a better match though….not a drama, high maintenance girl like mine!

  3. Happened to me once! Now I make these: http://www.oneshetwoshe.com/search/label/Caramel%20Apples

    MUCH easier!!!

  4. Your cool friend Cheryl says:

    Eh, it's okay. We have an Affy Tapple store nearby, so all of our caramel apples come from there!

  5. Lynn from For Love or Funny says:

    Hmm. Well, I bet they still taste good!

  6. The creative housewife says:

    I just wanted to let you know I left you an award on my blog! =)

  7. I'll still take one, thank you. And I used skewers for mine, too. And we have popcicle sticks, I just didn't want to get them out.

  8. Too hot still. I learned that the hard way too. :(

  9. they still look delicious!

  10. I have totally been there…I would still eat it though!!

  11. ditto to all the people who'd still eat it. And this is the kind of thing that happens to me the MAJORITY of the time I try to make something. Which is the main reason I don't.

  12. I wasn't going to laugh until you mentioned it…Now, I'm chuckling but only because I've had a few pretty big flops myself lately. For instance, the banana bread that even the dog wouldn't look at; the pumpkin whoopie pies that not only wouldn't cook in the oven but tasted so bad that I threw out the entire HUGE batch. Oh well, we tried, right?

  13. Joni Walton says:

    Okay, I have to admit that I am so happy that ONE of your MANY projects and talents did not work for at least one go around. Now you know how I feel just about every day. :)

  14. Lacie @ Creative Attempts says:

    i love when crafty people can admit that it doesn't always work out. they still look yummy tho. let me know if you ever try again and what the secret is!!

  15. Okay- did you let the caramel cool first? What sort of white chocolate did you use?

  16. Hey, I'd still eat em.

  17. Kristine Robinson says:

    I will gladly eat them for you – anytime.

  18. oh my word I want that!!!! Please deliver one to me ASAP and I will forever be your friend! I would be the last to call them a fail basically because it's rude to talk with your mouth full and mine would be full of Carmel apple goodness!

  19. Norma Lee @ Norma Lee Good says:

    I'm not picky. Or judgemental. I'd eat em! I love that you post real-life stuff. Awesome. My post about this would have involved a box from HEB…definitely not involving an appliance in my house. You rock!

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