Monster stocking tutorial

So, 3 years ago I was browsing the internet for a stocking for Keller. I came across some CUTE stockings with a price (hint: $60) that was a little (OK, a lot) out of my price range. I decided to make my own and here’s what I came up with:

This year, I decided to make one for Campbell, too.

Scour the clearance tables in the back of the fabric store for fabrics for this project. You don’t need a whole lot of any of them and weird fabrics work best. Seriously…who’d buy that green stuff? And that fur? Faux German Shepherd at best.

The pattern for the stocking and the claws can be found and printed here. I made slightly smaller claws this time around. If you want big claws like in the picture above, add about 1/4” on both long ends.

You’ll need:
24” X 20” of the main fabric
5” X 13.5” of the fur/top fabric
scraps for the claws
5.5” piece of ribbon, cord, etc for the hanging loop

*** ALL SEAMS ARE 1/4” ***

Print and assemble the template. Match up the hash marks. The pattern for the claw is on the first page, in the middle of the stocking piece.

Fold the main fabric piece in half. Pin and cut out your pattern.


Cut out 6 claw pieces. (Tangent: If your claw fabric is thin, interface it now. I didn’t and had to do that after they were all cut out….major pain in the butt.)


Cut your fur/top fabric to size if you haven’t already.


Take 2 claw pieces and put them right sides together. Sew, leaving short edge open.


Trim the point. First like this:


Then like this:


Repeat with remaining 4 claw pieces. Turn them all right side out. A dull pencil works well for this.


If you made the claws bigger, you may want to stuff them with a little fiber fill at this point.

Lay one of your main stocking pieces out, right side up. Place and pin the claws like this:


Put the other stocking piece on top of it, right side down (so right sides are facing). Pin.


See the claws sandwiched in there?


Sew, leaving the top edge of the stocking open.


Turn the stocking right side out (you might want to clip to the sewing line between the toes) and pull out the claws. Press, if you need to.

Fold your fur/trim in half, right sides together, matching the short sides. Sew the short sides together.


Turn the fur/trim right side out and insert into top of stocking. The right side of the fur cuff will be against the wrong side of the stocking fabric. Line the seam in the fur cuff up with the heel side seam of the stocking. Insert your ribbon or cord for hanging at that seam, too.


Stitch around the top of stocking.


Flip the fur cuff over to the outside and you’re done!


(bigger/stuffed claws on the left, smaller/non-stuffed claws on the right)

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  1. OMG! These are the best ever! I wish you lived next door so I could listen in on your creative sessions!!!

  2. KEWL!

  3. casserole says:

    cute, cute, CUTE!! I linked to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:


  4. I love that fabric more than I should.

  5. Lurve!


  7. Kari @ Ucreate says:


  8. Awesome! This will be perfect for my 20 yr. old son! He's definatley outgrown the teddy bear stocking he's had since a baby! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Jami Blake-Weight says:

    So fitting for your little monsters! I love it! Now about a Christmas tree skirt……

  10. Kristine Robinson says:

    Um – I am in love with these! What do you charge? I will never, ever get around to making those. I LOVE THEM!!

    And – I still want to be you when I grow up.

  11. Can I Order Three from you? ;)

  12. Norma Lee @ Norma Lee Good says:

    oh how clever! My lil monster would love it!

  13. Joni Walton says:

    I love how the stockings at your house are so personal. And, the paperwhites were a total blast from the past. I still have the container you gave me a million moons ago that held my own paperwhites for the month of December! Oh, sometimes I miss you so much it is just sickening!

  14. LOVE IT!! I need to do something besides the teddy bear stockings my MIL made many moons ago.

  15. The Harding Hive says:

    Soooooo cute! What are paperwhites?

  16. SandyQuilts says:


  17. That's too cute. Love it!

  18. michelle@somedaycrafts says:

    These rock! A little boy's dream!!! I featured these at

  19. This made me laugh out loud. I love it!

  20. michel and allison says:

    Love all this crap you make!!
    Happy Crafting…
    Going to make the peace ornaments today with my daughter…
    Thanks for the idea!

  21. Lacie @ Creative Attempts says:

    love love love this and so will my son!!

  22. RedThreadDIY says:

    I LOVE this tutorial. I am making one today, and I'll be sure to post a picture! :D

  23. RedThreadDIY says:

    Here's the picture from the one I made – Thanks so much for the tutorial!

  24. Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very imtrpoant.


  1. […] Monster Stocking from Crap I’ve Made – Talk about out of the box! I have quite a few friends who would love one of these stockings […]

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