
I bought PW’s cookbook a month or so ago.

And I wanted to make the Creamy Rosemary Potatoes (slightly different version of the recipe here).

Only the grocery store was out of rosemary. What?!?!?

Luckily, my mom was with. She suggested we check the floral department for those little rosemary Christmas trees they sell.


Holy deliciousness! I had to keep making it. And now my tree looks like this from the back:

and this from the side:

At least I got my money’s worth out of it?

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  1. Rosie and Derek says:

    Ooooh, I bought that cookbook but haven't made that recipe yet, totally need to try it. And yes, it looks like you got your money's worth out of that little tree, lol.

  2. That is hilarious! And great idea your mom had, by the way. I never would have thought of that!

  3. we can just agree to disagree since i think rosemary tastes like dirt and pine needles.

  4. Calamity Anne says:

    Your mother is a genius!!! I'd have never thought of that.

  5. I bought that cookbook too. Definitely not going to help any weight loss resolutions with the amount of butter she uses in everything!! But I love it.

  6. Elliott Mom says:

    Awesome idea!! I'm avoid PWs cookbook to help with my weigh loss! ;) I use rosemary to make Macaroni Grill's bread…sooo yummy!

  7. I want a rosemary tree! and some Creamy Rosemary Potatoes. your mom is so smart!

  8. I decided I wanted one of those little trees this year and ended up not seeing them ANYWHERE!

    (Try the penne a la Betsy. It's fab)

  9. Awesome and hilarious!

  10. fresh rosemary is the best

  11. Ha, ha. That is what plants around my house often look like and I am not snipping them up for dinner.
    What a laugh.

  12. Hey, just repot that little tree and you will have rosemary for years to come! We have a rosemary tree/bush that has been around for about 10 years!

    Ans a for the grocery store being out of stuff, ours are all out of salt. Cooking, table and rock salt…all gone. People are buying it to salt their walkways and footpaths.

  13. I made that last night too…AND our grocery store was out of rosemary too!!!! What the heck?!? I just fudged the recipe (like I always do anyway), added ham, a few shakes of Tony's creole seasoning and it was delish! The boys scarfed the entire pan before I got back home from small group! :(

  14. If you lived in AZ you could grow rosemary year round. I think you should move.

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