Valentine Chair Backer

I bookmarked this tutorial from Amy at Our Scoop last year.

We’re making them for sewing group next week.
(Thursday @ 7, my house, treats!)

I needed to do a quick run through first so I don’t screw anyone up and so I just used supplies I had on hand.

I can’t wait to make REAL ones.

Campbell’s giddy about the “new backpacks”. I think this will be a fun new tradition.

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  1. just like the PBK ones! I'd actually love to make these – but I think they won't work on our chairs…bummer.

  2. SO cute!! I really love this idea.

  3. totally cute!

  4. porter family says:

    wish i was in your sewing group!

  5. I'm craftily-challenged, so forgive me. But what are these actually used for?

  6. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    Did you switch piano chairs? I'd really like to do this sewing group. So cute!

  7. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    By the way, I never come to sewing because you'd end up doing ALL of the sewing for me and I already ask you for too much!

  8. Already bought all the supplies. I'm excited! Any chance you'll have your fancy embroidery machine figured out??????

  9. So cute Char! I want to come make one :)


  10. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    Sheri, I'm making one for each kid and putting it on his/her chair and then leaving them a note/card/whatever in it for VDay.

    Wendy, COME ANYWAY! You know there's food. And I don't usually sew during sewing group anyway.

    Tam, not likely. I don't see myself getting any quality time with that thing for a bit. Blah.

    Jen, say the word and I'll send you my address….

  11. I'm so excited! Can't wait!

  12. Valerie C. says:

    Super cute! I put a link on my blog. Sounds fun to do a little sewing group! Do you all bring your machines, or just cut things and get them ready?

  13. Kermit~the~Frog says:

    Two questions:

    1) What are these chairs I keep seeing on SLC blogs?

    2) Did you repaint your piano white?

  14. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    Valerie, we all bring our machines. Sometimes we only have a couple of people. Other times we've had 20 or so.

    And Kermit, the chairs are Tolix chairs. They were in both Pottery Barn and the Sundance catalog. They're steel, so I thought perhaps my kids wouldn't break them. We'll see. Shelah and I both scored ours at the Sundance outlet.

    My piano has not been repainted, the lighting was just weird when I was taking pics.

  15. Susan King says:

    Hi -
    I am not a regular reader of your blog. I do think that the red chair-hanging bag would be a wonderful gift for an old woman with a walker.

    Susan in Austin

  16. CraftCrave says:

    Thank you! This blog post will be advertised on CraftCrave in the Handcraft category today (look for timestamp: [14 Feb 01:00pm GMT]).

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