dude, bennett in that bowtie (with that darling look on his face) is the funniest damn thing i have seen in a long time! david and i both laughed our butts off!!
My greatest regret is that my kids now ages 15, 16, 19, and 22 will no longer let me dress them in matching outfits. I ask every Christmas for them to make this wish come true but, so far, they just give me that (eye roll) dude you're so lame look. Whatev. Do it while you can.
My mom did that to us WAY beyond it being cool I once *may* have made a Christmas outfit for the baby (we only had one then) with matching tie for my husband and a skirt with the same band of fabric for me once. *Maybe*
do you think it's possible that someone could look like you and not be related whatsoever? cause i do believe your bennett and my nathan are pretty darn close!
LOL!! it doesn't matter what part of the world you live in, huh??! it's a mom thing i guess! i've got 4, the oldest a 10 yr old boy and i've been mathcing them at easter too! i don't do it any other holiday. hmmm. this year, my son asked for ties for him and his 1 yr old brother! and of course the girls gotta match! my 2 oldest seem to like it the most!
Haha I'm pretty sure my sisters and I had matching outfits until my older sister was about thirteen, and so far she hasn't needed therapy…wait, I take it back…she DID go to therapy! Ahhh! Haha.
You haven't lived until you go to Easter services in identical dresses (very bright, large tulip print) with your mom, your aunt, and your grandmother. All 4 in the same exact dress.
I love it!!! I am new to your blog…found my way here by way of your split twirl skirt tutorial (which by the way I am going to make this weekend for my 9 month old). I have 3 boys (7,5,3) and a girl (the 9 month old)…oooh, they'd be SO cute if I made something similar for them :o) !!!
I'll definitely be back!!! I linked your post about the skirt on my blog so I wouldn't forget it AND so others could check it out, too! Thanks!
Feel free to link to or feature (no more than one image, please) any tutorials on this site, as long as credit is given. Tutorials are for personal (non-commercial) use only. For more information, see the details of my copyright way down at the bottom of the page!
dude, bennett in that bowtie (with that darling look on his face) is the funniest damn thing i have seen in a long time! david and i both laughed our butts off!!
The littlest one seems to have a personality to match the hair and bowtie. It's a great photo. Love it.
oo what a beautiful bunch! love the hair dos!
They are adorable! It's ok…I would be that kind of mother too…but my 10 year old has decided he has a say in these matters…maybe next time.
Hahaha, that littlest one of yours looks completely adorable in his bow tie. He radiates naughtiness, priceless!
your post made me laugh….SO cute! So cute! Im just like you are…i started from birth always dressing them up…so i think they think its normal!
We should learn to make the ties in sewing group-are we still doing pillows this month?
I'm pretty sure my kids are going to say the same thing
I love it!
omg, LOVE this! i need to make my little man a bow-tie!
i love it. bow tie boys grow up to be perfectly semi mentally stable young men…
How adorable! You are blessed.
gorgeous kids, love the ties & skirt…thanks for sharing! the boy's hair do's rock!
so cute!
so cute!
That is too cute! Love it! ♥ Michelle
I don't see the problem! They look adorable! I need to make a few of those ties for my boys–if there a tutorial somewhere?
This is the bow tie pattern I used: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=42683681
This is the tie pattern: http://www.youcanmakethis.com/info/featured-products/Boys-Ties.htm
I find the tie pattern to be a bit long and make it a size or so shorter.
LOVE this picture, and love the ties! You have beautiful kids
Whatever! Everyone would want you as a mom. When I saw them today I thought they looked freaking ADORABLE!!!!! Way cute!
This is adorable!
My greatest regret is that my kids now ages 15, 16, 19, and 22 will no longer let me dress them in matching outfits. I ask every Christmas for them to make this wish come true but, so far, they just give me that (eye roll) dude you're so lame look. Whatev. Do it while you can.
My mom did that to us WAY beyond it being cool
I once *may* have made a Christmas outfit for the baby (we only had one then) with matching tie for my husband and a skirt with the same band of fabric for me once. *Maybe*
I'm new to your blog…LOVE what I see. I am trying to learn to sew, I will be diving into your SWEET tutorials!
Cutest thing ever!
That is adorable! Love the print and way they tied to her skirt!
What a doll!
do you think it's possible that someone could look like you and not be related whatsoever? cause i do believe your bennett and my nathan are pretty darn close!
and mine only grows hair in the middle of his head
cutest thing ever! baby #2 is on the way at our house and Im totally like you and being THAT mother
LOVE the cheesy cute matchiness!
LOL!! it doesn't matter what part of the world you live in, huh??! it's a mom thing i guess! i've got 4, the oldest a 10 yr old boy and i've been mathcing them at easter too! i don't do it any other holiday. hmmm. this year, my son asked for ties for him and his 1 yr old brother! and of course the girls gotta match! my 2 oldest seem to like it the most!
Easter match-up is a must. And if that's the worst thing you do, I'd say you're doing alright!
Haha I'm pretty sure my sisters and I had matching outfits until my older sister was about thirteen, and so far she hasn't needed therapy…wait, I take it back…she DID go to therapy! Ahhh! Haha.
adorable, as always!! and I HAVE to have that bow tie…SO cute!
the comment made me laugh so hard-I needed it too, he is a cutie!
Nooooo – it's so flipping CUTE!!!! That bow tie is to die for.
They all look so cute! Great colors for Spring!
You haven't lived until you go to Easter services in identical dresses (very bright, large tulip print) with your mom, your aunt, and your grandmother. All 4 in the same exact dress.
I just discovered your blog– I like your title and you're pretty darn hilarious
Count me in.
haha! love it!
I love it. I was going to try to do something just like it for Easter. LOL
I love it!!! I am new to your blog…found my way here by way of your split twirl skirt tutorial (which by the way I am going to make this weekend for my 9 month old). I have 3 boys (7,5,3) and a girl (the 9 month old)…oooh, they'd be SO cute if I made something similar for them :o) !!!
I'll definitely be back!!! I linked your post about the skirt on my blog so I wouldn't forget it AND so others could check it out, too! Thanks!
I too, am so THAT mom!
I adore matching outfits!!