Just a feeling…

I don’t think someone is very happy this morning.

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  1. brown paper packages says:

    LOL, Char!! That pouty face (both of them) kills me.

  2. Lynn from For Love or Funny says:

    Aw, poor little guy. Hope he feels happier now!

  3. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. omg! that could have been my house. i too made pancakes this morning,although i made the bigger flat ones. AND MY SON too had a loooong face and even had a slight tantrum. he quickly calmed down when i said "upstairs with no breakfast if you dont stop right now!" he just lurrvves pancakes!
    but dont you just love them so
    [email protected]

  5. :( aaaah hope he is doing better :)

  6. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    His face is so sad looking. Poor guy.

  7. EmcogNEATO! says:

    Aww! Someone give that kid (and that pancake!) a hug.

  8. Love that little guy! That has to be the saddest face ever. I LOL at his pancake, I seriously can't stop giggling about it.

  9. Resweater says:

    That is too funny! I hope he is feeling more :) now!

  10. "Cottage By The Sea" says:

    Aww, poor boyo. I felt just like that this morning but I'm feeling better now. How 'bout you?

  11. Jennifer says:

    How could you not be happy when your mom gives you chocolate chips w/ your pancakes?!?!! Definitely a keeper of a picture! :o)

  12. Tam @ Sew Dang Cute says:

    Because his basketball hoop isn't set up yet? HAHAHAHAHA!

  13. Fashion Meets Food says:

    Hey girly! Just came across your blog and love it!!! So glad I found it!


  14. Kristine Robinson says:

    giggle giggle

    He must need some Cameron time – luckily my boy is still sleeping! Send him on over . . .

  15. love it!

  16. ..SOCIAL BUTTERFLY.. says:

    OH my goodness.. This is the cutest thing ever besides that he looks very unhappy.. but my gosh. you have a sweet lookin lil boy

  17. bunnyhead says:


  18. I love that face. :)

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