And a (late) Easter funny

Courtesy of my brother and his wife in Pittsburgh

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And look what street they were on:



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  1. ..SOCIAL BUTTERFLY.. says:

    What a day that must have been!

  2. the thrifty ba says:

    my question is does a stuffed bunny count for the carpool lane?

  3. ROFL Good One The Thrifty

  4. Nurse Heidi says:


  5. "Cottage By The Sea" says:

    Loves it!

  6. You really need a like button on this blog.

  7. It would have been better if the bunny had been driving… :D

  8. michelle b @ every little thing says:

    this is priceless!! hahah! ( i have to remind myself that there's a guy in there having a great time!!)
    i would love you to pop over to my place and help me name my new girlie-sofa! she's in desperate need for a name and i have a little gift for the successful namer, too!! :)
    thanks so much!!

  9. Shady Avenue–I love it!

  10. Nishant says:

    Good One The Thrifty
    home jobs india

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