For the grandparents



And may the potato bug that was smashed during the taking of these shots rest in peace.


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  1. Jenglamgirl says:

    Oh' My goodness he is just beautiful! Love the shirt. R.I.eP potatoe bug…. HA! JENN and

    have a good one ;)

  2. Jenglamgirl says:

    R.I.P typos… don't you love them?

  3. holy crap, I like that kid! we need to play again soon.

  4. oh, that is one cute little dude.
    happy birthday!

  5. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    Look how good he was for this photo shoot! You got so many cute pics of him!

  6. Liz @ Sugarplum Creations says:

    Um, he is about the most adorable little thing I've ever seen. Watch out Potato Bug!

  7. Michelle aka Mommy says:

    oh my god! he's so stinking cute! happy b-day little exterminator!

  8. Piggy's & Petal's says:

    I just wanna eat him!!!!

  9. Piggy's & Petal's says:

    I just wanna eat him!!!!

  10. Lynn from For Love or Funny says:

    I'm lovin' the hair! How do you get anything done with such a good lookin' dude around?

  11. love it.
    and really, he looks SO much like Macy.

  12. Life in Rehab says:

    I want to eat him. Seriously. What a gorgeous little thing he is!

  13. Kristine Robinson says:

    Love him, love your kids, love you and your hubby! What can I say??

  14. Jen and Marty says:

    Super cute, Char. I don't know how you do it all!

    Jen Paris

  15. he is so beautiful!love your blog!

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