Dry ice and planes

My flight home last night was delayed.  Like, we were all sitting on the plane at the gate when they announced it was going to be a while.  And a while = over an hour, just for your future reference.

Apparently there was some dry ice in the cargo area.  And it didn’t have proper documentation.

Yes, really.

I appreciated the pilot’s concern for our well being, but could have done without the “There will be no renegade dry ice on my plane!” speech.

The illegal ice was finally escorted off the plane and I got home after midnight.  Woo!

And here’s what I’m doing today:


(That picture was taken when I was already 2 loads in.  It was worse.  Much much worse.  Why do the people around here keep wearing clothes?)

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  1. the thrifty ba says:

    you can never be too careful with alien ice…

  2. Christie says:

    Ha ha ha! That is too funny. Good luck with the laundry. Mine looks like that too.

  3. 406 Olivia says:

    I hear that! I encourage nudity at my house, but nobody seems to want to join me. Weird.

  4. LaVonne says:

    No dry ice, huh? I wonder what terrible things you can think of to use that? Ice the flight attendant? Hmm… Flying is no fun anymore.

    Glad you made it home safely. (I dislike laundry and it does keep accumulating.)


  5. Texas Gal says:

    LOVE the laundry rug — so cute! My room looks like that too. This cracked me up ~

  6. Melanie says:

    my laundry "room" looks like this, and I haven't been anywhere, have only two small children and a husband, and I am home all day.


  7. Kim's Treasures says:

    I really like your laundry bins. Where did you find these? These would really free up space in my laundry room!

    Yes awhile does equal an hour or more! Happens to us more often than I care to admit!

  8. Joni Walton says:

    I would be much happier to do laungry if I had those front loaders… :) And, congrats to Blake! (Remember, I thought he was your husband…)

  9. Char @ Crap I've Made says:
  10. sportzmom says:

    So funny. I feel your pain! Glad you made it home safely. I love, love, love your blog!

  11. So sorry :)
    I hate laundry too…disposable clothes need to be invented!

  12. Kristine Robinson says:

    Amen- I have tried to convince my kids they don't need clean underweary everyday, right? I had ten loads of laundry when I got home. Laundry sucks! Otherwise, how was your trip?? Brian never called for hair help, so I assume all was well. Pluse he took my kids to CEC. What a guy! Glad you're back.

  13. seaschell says:

    I keep telling my husband he's not allowed to wear clean clothes every day. He doesn't listen to me. Hmph.

  14. I don't mind laundry, provided someone else puts it all away for me. Which never happens, so really, I guess I hate laundry.

    glad you're home safe. next time don't pack dry ice.

  15. Hee Hee Hee….

  16. Is there no dry ice in Utah? I mean, someone was obviously trying to come prepared, right?

  17. Lizanne says:

    Just wanted to say: I have given you an award for the fact that your blog rocks, and I just told everybody so:

  18. Suzanne says:

    I think dirty laundry multiples overnight in the dark!

  19. More like....etc. says:

    ugh… I feel your pain sistah {{{hugs}}}
    I believe my family thinks there is a little elf that does the laundry b/c it magically disappears from their bedroom floors and then POOF! it reappears clean and folded in their dressers & closets! {sigh} ;)

    magic laundry elf needs a raise!

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