Flickr Feature Friday

***Don’t forget to enter the Cristina Ashley Designs giveaway here***

Did you know Crap I’ve Made has a Flickr group? You can find the link at any time up on my menu bar under Crap You’ve Made. Go add your stuff! Please?

Projects from the Flickr group will be featured on Fridays.

And, there’s now a Flickr stream widget over in my left sidebar. Click on over from your reader and check that out.

If you haven’t already (she’s pretty much a legend), meet Melanie from The Crafty Cupboard.

She made this skirt, LOVE the fabrics, for her daughter using my Split Twirl Skirt Tutorial.

Plus, she’s giving away this freaking cute runner.

Go here to enter.

I’m off to Pittsburgh for the weekend.  See you Monday!

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  1. Marsha's Mpressions says:

    Have I told you how much I enjoy your blog? I have grandchildren and love to see what you and others you highlight do for young children. Keep it up!

  2. Melanie says:

    I wondered why I got a flood of entrants on the giveaway! Thanks for the feature, although I laughed really really hard when you said I was a legend. Such a sense of humor. :)

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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