I heart Lowe’s

***Don’t forget to enter the Cristina Ashley Designs giveaway here***

There’s no purpose for this post other than the fact that I’m giddy about some baskets I picked up at Lowe’s this weekend.


How cute is the little chalkboard label?  Under $10, too.


Would it be weird to get some for the kitchen?  I’m thinking “potatoes” and “onions”….

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  1. Shannon says:

    **Running to Lowe's**

    Those are awesome! They look like something Pottery Barn would sell for $50.00.

    I just hope mine has some.

  2. how much were they??? I've been wanting something like that for my pantry!!

  3. Liz @ LivingMySweetLife says:

    I have an unnatural love for baskets. My husband has asked me to stop buying them. lol I love your adorable basket idea… and yes i think you should get more for the kitchen!

  4. I totally want something like that for my potatoes and onions. Only I have nowhere to put them. You do. So I say, no, not weird. Totally cute!

  5. Tanner and Kristin says:

    I don't love Lowes – but I do love your baskets. Too cute!!

  6. Embellish-Vintage Home Embellishments says:

    I love those baskets. Hope our Lowes has them in stock!

  7. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    I *think* they were $9.99.

  8. They look awesome! Wish I had some shelf space for something like that… and those chalkboard labels are adorable!

  9. I'm thinking spray painted to match my daughters room. They are really cute. I say yes to the kitchen.

  10. Those are awesome! I'm always buying random baskets, but those having the labels on them? I'm going to track down the nearest Lowes today and I'm not even kidding.

  11. Midwestern Gone Idahoan says:

    love them!!

  12. i love those! I might go see if ours has them… =)

  13. Ashley O says:

    Those are the cutest baskets ever!!! I think they would be great in the kitchen!! I'm starting to think they might be amazing for my little crafting area too!! Hmmmmmmm………… I might need to make a little trip to Lowe's too. :)

  14. Samantha says:

    I Heart Lowes too! Feel like I'm there everyother day picking something up. Those baskets are to die for! Awesome Job!

    Check out my blog sometime:

  15. Dogmom Diva says:

    Char, how did you attach the labels..are they nailed in, or glued??
    Yes they are awesome, love the idea of easy organizing with them!


  16. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    The chalkboard labels come already attached. I'm pretty sure they're tied (?) on, but I'll check later and report.

  17. motherhood unedited says:

    they COME WITH labels? holy moley lowes is getting my business (for once) tomorrow :)

  18. Love~Bre says:

    Yay I was just wishing yesterday that plastic tubs had white boards on the end of them, this is close enough!

  19. And that is pretty much where my creativity ends – at the closet door. With the exception of my pantry i really could care less what my closets look like! Lol! But I do swoon over the cleanly organized ones like yours. So pretty!

  20. C.R.A.F.T. says:

    great idea! Come link up to Making Monday's Marvelous!

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