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So, Macy had a district orchestra performance last night. They sent home a note regarding how they wanted the kids to dress.
“White shirt or blouse” (yes, they really used the word blouse)?
“Black or navy skirt or pants”?
Figuring out a way to still stand out from the crowd?
(Man I need to sweep the porch!)
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That's totally going to be my middle child in a few years =)
LOve it. Way to kind of conform but not..also…anything with striped stockings and Chucks is ok by me. p.s. GREAT chucks!
Love it! I had one like her. She's all grown up now. We had fun!
That made me laugh outloud! Yes, I'm guessing they'll be VERY specific next year. Wow, she plays piano *and* violin? Talented girl!
Now that was clever…and fun! She looks fantabulous.
love it! how many all stars does she own now?
I LOVE her style! I love how her personality shines thru!
completely awesome – but i think you know how much i love stripey socks/tights.
love love love this!
Sabe…like 4 pair? She has high tops in purple, pink, and the green and she has low tops that are black with pink stars.
That's great! Good for her!
She would be my youngest…good job being an original!
that'll teach the school to be more specific!!! LOL
That's awesome!
she kills me! Is she your child or what? I mean not that I expect to see you in striped tights, but she gets her adorable taste from you!
Love that Macy!!
Love the tights and shoes.
She is adorable.
Now go sweep your porch.
hahaha! Love it! I've had to wear symphony garb for almost 20 yrs now – oh the number of long black {boring} dresses I have. How fun that must have been! Good for you for letting her do it! That's what memories are made of!
That is AMAZING! I love it. We have a freind from church who wears fun socks and unique shoes with his suits
I just love her tights and tennis shoes…what a great way to stand out and been seen among everyone else who is dressed like you…
I love it! That's so awesome.
You ROCK as a mom! Seriously.
Made me smile. And I needed that.
I love her originality! Plus I'm sure it was easy to spot her when you wanted to take photos =) Great blog! I'm your newest follower!
I love those shoes. She looks great!
I used to do the exact same thing when I was in orchestra. In fact I even did it in college. I wore pink high heels with my all black ensemble in order to have my little touch of flare. This was when I was dating my husband and his family came to the concert, they thought I was hilarious. She looks awesome, way to let her get away with it!
Love that Macy.
And have you swept that porch yet?
That is awesome!! I love it!
Hi Char! I'm giving you the Versatile Blogger award! details will be on my blog tonight!
I love it! There is nothing wrong with being yourself!
She is so your child.
She's so cute — I love it!
Hahaha that it FANTASTIC! Good girl!
Way to GO to both of you!! For her, because she has the confidence to go her own way, and for you for letting her, and helping her have that confidence!!!!
I love it!!!
haha, she looks great!
Awesome, LOVE it! I hated it when they demanded that my son wear black dress pants, white dress shirt and a specific color of tie. Thank goodness we always have church clothes, but we do khaki pants and since I had to buy stupid black pants, I refused to buy a new tie and let him pick out whatever he wanted to wear there. Way to maintain your individuality!
Freaking love that kid!!
The last picture made me laugh out loud! What a girl!
Not that I'm taking credit or anything, BUT… she obviously learned from the best stander-outer there is!
I love Macy!