Happy Father’s Day

Other than some embarrassing shots of him doing yoga (blackmail purposes), this is literally the ONLY picture I have of BC this year.
But, it’s a good one to show how much the kids adore him.
He’s a good one, too.
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  1. Lovely moment!!! Happy daddy's day from Brazil!! Kisses, Bela.

  2. jacque4u2c says:


  3. Beatnheart says:

    cute family

  4. BC is totally a keeper! Heck, even MY kids adore him.

  5. BC is awesome, your kids are lucky to have such a great Dad! You should keep him around a few more years.

  6. Tammylee says:

    skull legwarmers? too funny :)

  7. Is he praying? Lol. I have to admit, he's a fabu dad.

  8. I should have shot a pic. of him walking the kids in the wagon this morning. He looked like the perfect dad and they looked like perfect kids. It was cute!

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