Looking for people to give crap away

Have you ever noticed the counter waaaaaaaaaaaaaay down at the bottom on my right sidebar?

Go ahead and click on over and check it out.  I’ll wait.  ;)

In the next month or so, I anticipate reaching


Crazy, right?

So, in celebration of 1,000,000 hits and my 2 year blogiversary, I thought it would be fun to have a day/week/whatever of giveaways.

Everyone likes free stuff, right?

If you have something you’d like to give away, email me at [email protected].  I will ask that you take care of the shipping to the winner (I SUCK at getting to the post office) and not have any crazy requirements for entering.

In return, you’ll get some free publicity and traffic and a warm feeling inside that just won’t go away.  Or something.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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  1. Shelle-BlokThoughts says:

    I have nothing to give… But I"m excited for it!!!

  2. Mechelle says:

    I offered a set of tidy trays.


    I use them for all sorts of crafts and sewing.

  3. Mechelle says:

    offered a set of tidy trays.


    I use them for all sorts of crafts and sewing.

  4. BJ_Mama says:

    FUN! I'll give away an Aromatherapy Spa Bag: Choice of Lavender, Peppermint, or Orange!


  5. Ooooh fingers crossed some of them may be international posting, this sounds like a lot of fun!! xx

  6. I will give a free hour of interior decorating to someone! Even if they live far away, I can still put together a design for them.

  7. Oh, and btw, CONGRATS! You know I love to follow the numbers on your blog!

  8. kristina dutton says:

    great idea! i love your blog!

  9. I sent you an email:)

  10. mIcHeLLe says:

    I will give away 3 children and a newborn ;)

  11. teegz_iz_spunky says:

    I will give away a set of cupcake wrappers :) Sent you an email this morning too!
    I can ship them internationally too because I am from Australia.
    And I'd love to win those tidy trays, at the moment I am glittering in my baking tray. Thanks goodness I am not planning a roast anytime soon!

  12. I will totally knit a headband for someone. I'll email you.

  13. Ashlee @ I'm Topsy Turvy says:

    Congrats! I'll totally donate anything you want!

  14. Haha! Michelle's comment made me snort!
    I've sent you my email Char. I can't wait to take part in this EPIC event! Yay!

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