Random Product Review: Busy Kids Kids Camp Tie-Dye Kit


I picked these up at JoAnn’s a few weeks back.  They were 40% off at the time, so I paid $6.

Macy and a friend and I busted them out last Friday whilst 2 of my boys were at a party and the other one was sleeping.

The directions were confusing and some things on the printed instructions were different from what was on the exterior packaging, but hey….$6, right?

I did a little Google-ing and we decided to wet our shirts first.

We twisted and turned and then went to put the elastics on and they broke.  Like, all of them.  Like, before you actually even stretched them.  BRITTLE.

Time out.  Run to the craft room and search frantically for elastics.  Call BC at work to see if he has any he can run by because one kid is sleeping and we can’t leave to get some.  Finally find some.  Time in.

Each dye color comes in its own applicator bottle.  You just fill the bottle with water and shake.  They dissolved quite easily.

We dyed and dyed and dyed some more.  2 pairs of plastic gloves are included in the kit.  Plastic wrap (for wrapping your shirts) is not.  We wrapped them and waited.  The instructions said 4-6 hours.  The packaging said 6-8.  We went with 6.

Helpful hint:  You’ll want to save your gloves for the unwrapping/elastic removal or you’ll end up looking like this:


And your fingernails will still be stained like 3 days later.  At least that’s what I hear….

The packaging says “Ages 8 and up”.  I’d say this is pretty accurate, unless you were outdoors and really didn’t care if your kids got dye on the clothes they were wearing.

The packaging also says this product dyes up to 6 shirts.  We dyed: 2 size L-ish shirts, 4 size M-ish shirts, 2 onesies, a tank top, and a pair of undies.  Don’t ask.

Our package came with pink, blue, and green dye.  The pink came out pretty pale.


The blue and green were much brighter.


And, an action shot:


So, best tie dyeing job ever?  Probably not.

Worth $6?  FOR SURE.



FTC disclosure:  I bought this product with my own $6.  I was in no way compensated for this review.  The opinions are mine entirely.  So are the stained hands.

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  1. I haven't tie-dyed in forever! Your shirt turned out cute! Great deal!

  2. Christine says:

    Thank you for the very honest review!

  3. Mel O'Drama says:

    i just bought this exact same kit. thanks for the pointers!

  4. Pati @ A Crafty Escape says:

    Hmmm might have to try this sometime…

  5. Amy Lynn says:

    I have to tie-dye my daughters school uniform shirts for the fall (awesome school, I know). Have you washed any of the dyed shirts yet??? Does/did the dye come off onto any other clothes?

  6. Vanessa says:

    I've used this stuff too and it worked great. My kids love their shirts. HOWEVER after the final step of washing the shirts in the washer MAKE SURE TO RINSE OUT THE WASHER or else you'll get dye on your other laundry. *Sob*

  7. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    The dye did not come off on anything else or stain my washer (but I'm not guaranteeing it won't for you, LOL!). I did an extra rinse on the original washing.

  8. Kristine Robinson says:

    Hey, those turned out pretty good! Thanks for letting Ashlie help!

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