Self-explanatory or Tute Worthy?

And more importantly, should I have capitalized explanatory?  Don’t judge…I studied math in college.

I made this dress for Macy last weekend:

(I had to promise to cut her head out of the picture because she’d been wearing a hat all day.)



So, which is it? 

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  1. Green Gracie Home says:

    I love it…and while I think I could figure it out…a tute would be fantastic!

  2. I'd never make it with a tutorial. I just can't figure things like that out! :)

  3. Kara@ Creations by Kara says:

    It takes me forever to figure out how to make things. I'd love a tute! :)

  4. More like....etc. says:

    Tute Tute!! ;) or is it Toot Toot? either way I LOVE tutorials – saves what little sanity is left in me! :D the first thing *I* thought of was hmm, if *I* made this… I would find a pillow case and a t'shirt that co-ordinate -so what does that tell ya! ;)

  5. Tutorial please. :-D

  6. Lindsey says:

    tute please!!!

  7. Christina says:

    I would love a tutorial. I'm not smart enough to figure it out on my own, at least not without a gazillion mistakes first.

  8. Wow, that dress is a dead ringer for the one Elisabeth Moss wore at the end of last night's Mad Men episode!

  9. Tru@TRU TALES FEATS says:

    I'd say tute worthy.

  10. Tutorial for sure! Probably wouldn't have to be super in-depth. Just an outline of what you used and how you did it would be great! It is a super adorable dress.

  11. Julie and Jill says:

    Please do a tutorial – it's too cute!

  12. tutorial please!

  13. Always April says:

    Tute please!

  14. That is adorable! I would say tute, because I would never be able to make it, but even with a tute I probably still wouldn't be able to since I am not much of a sewer.

  15. Totally Tute it!

  16. Bellarageous says:

    I looove tutorials! Would love to see one of this adorable dress!

  17. Tutorials are always welcomed :)

  18. I'm always up for a tute!

  19. Tute worthy!

  20. Life in Rehab says:

    Tute. You never know what I'm too dumb to figure out.

  21. the momma says:

    Looks like you're doin' a tute! Please be sure to include one for the flower :-)

  22. Bugalugs aka Jacqui says:

    Totally tute worthy!!!

  23. amy smart says:

    Oh man that is cute! Looks like you'll have to do a tute. ;)

    (So glad I'm not the only one with grammar issues. I can't even blame it on studying math.)

  24. JJMEARS says:

    I can figure out the "ruffles" on the collar and sleeves. That's about it, so I'll 24th the request for a tutorial! Love your site!

  25. Youre halarious. We would totally be friends if we knew eachother. Oh, and I follow your blog, but dont worry Im totally not a stalker!

  26. Toooooot! For those of us w/no time to figure out all the details, puh-leeeeez :)

    And, good for you – I like the longer length mucho mucho!

  27. The Fear Fam says:

    Tutorial, please! It is so hard to find cute short-sleeved dresses out here in the hot CA sun. I will have to make one, but I can't do it on my own….

  28. A tutorial please – those flowers are especially lovely!!!

  29. Mrs. Sassy Crafter says:

    Hello! I'm a new follower, saw your work at "U Create"…

  30. Full Throttle Ad Specialties says:

    Please tute. I love the neckline and sleeves and the fabric and the whole beautiful thing!!! I love love love it. Please send a tute our way.

  31. I can't tell if that is ribbon or elastic on the waist. If it's ribbon, it would need some kind of closure on the back, but if it's elastic, it wouldn't, right? So maybe if not a tute, a few more details would be nice. And I love it. You could do it for any size dress, from tiny to my size.

  32. kmellana says:

    I think I could figure it out but would love a tutorial on the flower!! Sooooo cute!!

  33. Melanie says:

    I thought I felt the cosmos collide when I hit post!! j/k. I like the ruffle on her collar! I'd ask for a tutorial but… ;)

  34. Melanie says:

    p.s. does this mean I can add it to your flickr group? :)

  35. my mudda' calls me jack says:

    tutorial please!!!!!

  36. Can you adopt me? Seriously. Macy is like the best dressed kid on the block. I love what you make for her. I would totally make (if I could sew) a dress like that for myself!!! I love it!

  37. MrsKamorri says:

    Gorgeous dress! A tutorial would be great for the details. The basic sewing I can handle but I'd like to know how you did the back (closure or not?) and how you made the bigger flower.

    Also, self-explanatory is one word, so only the 's' needs to be capitalized. I never got around to picking a focus or major in college, but I took philosophy/logic for my math credit, so that might say something :)

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