Snuggles make sick little ones tolerable. And can I tell you how happy I am to see him in Christmas pj''s? I'm glad my little boy isn't the only one rocking a little holiday spirit.
Maybe he's sick because he has WINTER JAMMIES ON!!!!!!! It's 100 degrees outside. Sew that kid a pair of shorts and a t shirt to sleep in… Sorry he's sick, no fun. Hope he feels better soon.
Your jim-jams rock! When my 2 year old son feels under the weather, he dons on his glow -in-the-dark skeleton pajamas. Hope you're feeling better shortly!!
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Sammy used to beg me to "sungle" him. No, I'd never be able to resist. Take the day off.
oh no! poor kid!!
are we still on for crafting tomorrow?!
holy crap, that kid is cute. and your kids' eyes are all amazing.
I could not. In fact, I want to come over and "nuggle" him, too. Hope he gets better soon!
Snuggles make sick little ones tolerable. And can I tell you how happy I am to see him in Christmas pj''s? I'm glad my little boy isn't the only one rocking a little holiday spirit.
Sweet little sick cutie! The answer is no, I couldn't resist it either. Hope he feels better soon!
Awwww, what a cutie. Hope he gets feeling better soon. Does this mean you get, I mean have to miss the softball party tonight?
I'm still in jammies too
So cute! But his jammies are making me sweat…isn't it like 90+ there?!
Maybe he's sick because he has WINTER JAMMIES ON!!!!!!! It's 100 degrees outside. Sew that kid a pair of shorts and a t shirt to sleep in… Sorry he's sick, no fun. Hope he feels better soon.
We have those same jammies….Target right?? Sophie is still rockin' them too even though it is July.
So cute! I hope he gets better soon.
Such a doll baby!!!
Poor kid! Ginger woke up with a fever, so we have a sickie too. Glad you're taking the day off to give him some snuggles.
Your jim-jams rock! When my 2 year old son feels under the weather, he dons on his glow -in-the-dark skeleton pajamas. Hope you're feeling better shortly!!
Poor little Benny! Can I come nuggle him? I miss that little guy. Tell him auntie Jane hopes he feels better soon!
Awh! Poor little baby. Hope he is feeling better.
what a little cutie! too bad he isnt feeling well, hugs to him feeling better.