Sick Day


Could you withstand this face demanding “NUGGLE ME!” ?

I can’t, so we’re taking a sick day.

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  1. Life in Rehab says:

    Sammy used to beg me to "sungle" him. No, I'd never be able to resist. Take the day off.

  2. porter family says:

    oh no! poor kid!!

    are we still on for crafting tomorrow?!

  3. holy crap, that kid is cute. and your kids' eyes are all amazing.

  4. Nesiejean says:

    I could not. In fact, I want to come over and "nuggle" him, too. Hope he gets better soon!

  5. Snuggles make sick little ones tolerable. :) And can I tell you how happy I am to see him in Christmas pj''s? I'm glad my little boy isn't the only one rocking a little holiday spirit.

  6. Sweet little sick cutie! The answer is no, I couldn't resist it either. Hope he feels better soon!

  7. Kara@ Creations by Kara says:

    Awwww, what a cutie. Hope he gets feeling better soon. Does this mean you get, I mean have to miss the softball party tonight? ;)

  8. Lindsey says:

    I'm still in jammies too :)

  9. So cute! But his jammies are making me sweat…isn't it like 90+ there?!

  10. Maybe he's sick because he has WINTER JAMMIES ON!!!!!!! It's 100 degrees outside. Sew that kid a pair of shorts and a t shirt to sleep in… Sorry he's sick, no fun. Hope he feels better soon.

  11. We have those same jammies….Target right?? :) Sophie is still rockin' them too even though it is July.

  12. So cute! I hope he gets better soon.

  13. Carla Hegeman Crim says:

    Such a doll baby!!!

  14. redheadtina says:

    Poor kid! Ginger woke up with a fever, so we have a sickie too. Glad you're taking the day off to give him some snuggles.

  15. Nancy Sue says:

    Your jim-jams rock! When my 2 year old son feels under the weather, he dons on his glow -in-the-dark skeleton pajamas. Hope you're feeling better shortly!! :)

  16. Poor little Benny! Can I come nuggle him? I miss that little guy. Tell him auntie Jane hopes he feels better soon!

  17. Kathryn says:

    Awh! Poor little baby. Hope he is feeling better.

  18. what a little cutie! too bad he isnt feeling well, hugs to him feeling better.

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